Vortex Generators

If you really think something that costs 24.99 will increase your hp by 15% then go for it. There have been threads on things like this before.
I am not worried about how much it costs and all that. I am just asking if in principle the idea works.
I watched an infomercial on this thing the other morning at about 5 a.m. It was called the turbo generator or something. It was basically the same exact thing. They dynoed a car with it and without it and it added 20 horsepower. They claim it perfectly mixes air and fuel. It won a bunch of inventor awards. It's probably B.S. but I don't see this thing hurting your car unlike those intake chips they sell for 3 bucks.
I would think that one designed specifically for a certain model type of car could benfit that car. That design may help, hurt, or be ineffective in another vehicle.

The theory seems sound, but then why aren't manufacturers doing it? Why isn't something similar being used in all sorts of racing applications? Factory racing is where they'll spend like $250,000 to develop a 1hp edge.

Just my 2 cents.
Yeah I have been wondering also the one I have seen is the turbonator I have seen its infomercials for about 6 years now and am tempted to get one I just don't trust anything and need more info sounds too good to be true........ :give
mabye its 15% mabye 5% mabye none but its only 24.99 and the only way to find out is to try it out. I might waste the money after my old home theater system sells on ebay if I do and can tell a diffrence I'll let you know. Nothing like wasting money. The old lady loves to do it!
I bought one, turbonator I think. Had it in my LS for about few weeks then got rid of it, just a piece of crap, doesn't do nothing.

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