There's a double threat!!!!!!
And when they went to FWD they dropped off my list of cars I would buy. Front wheel drive cars drive like crap. They have always driven like crap, and they always will drive like crap.
well I'm not a fan boy of FWD cars, FWD is one of the main dis-qualifiers for my to buy the car, however, I also am not the main demographic for people buying brand new luxury cars so that wont effect their sales outcomes one bit.
I am however not silly enough to think think that my demographic (by far being the minority) continuing to buy big(er) motor RWD cars would cause that car to fail... come on bud, face facts... most cars sold on earth are FWD, people for whatever reason love buying FWD cars and really aint sh!t gonna stop that. maybe when the majority of people actually want RWD, then it could make or break a platform.
then again, I'm sure ford didn't do any market research or test groups on it either...
if people want a RWD car that drives great, good news, all the big three make a sport car for them. or if they are one of the very few that wants a high performance sedan, two of the big three also makes those too (interesting that the one company of the big three that doesn't offer one, is the one company that didn't need to file for bankruptcy or get bough out by the foreigners...)
however if somebody just wants to ride around in style, with a nice safe AWD system, good news, Lincoln is making the Continental just for them. after seeing all of the MKS's, MKZ's, and MKX's that are out there on the road, I don't think it will be a problem finding people to buy them.
oh yeah, how did the SS performance sedan work out for GM? looks like so many people bought them that they are discontinuing the Commodore after next year... and well, if they building any, its gonna be hard to have them exported from the land down under...
looks like the list of cars you can buy is getting more and more foreign everyday...
Cadillac and Lincoln used to compete. Caddy went FWD and almost went under. They started converting back to RWD and are once again a force to be reckoned with. Lincoln also went FWD and are close to going under, but did not go back to RWD. They are still going under. The MKZ was supposed to replace the LS, and has not sold well. Cadillac is now a world class competitor while Lincoln now competes with Buick, which should tell you something. The Continental could have turned the boat for Lincoln, but well, you know, a Fusion with a long star on it really is a different car, right?
Incidentally, the SS as well as the GTO and the G8 are being sold in the US due to some agreement GM made to make X number of cars in Australia to be sold in the US. Unfortunately, GM seems intent on making the minimum required to meet the agreement so they offer them only fully loaded and put crappy colors on them. GM does not see the SS as important to them.
as far as regular TV, well there is probably a reason that it is free...
as far as regular TV, well there is probably a reason that it is free...
Maybe it's the other way around
I used to watch Under the Dome but it got to silly. We watch Extant and that one is hanging by a thread. The ones I'm finding interesting now are the Netflix originals like Orange Is The New Black and Sense8. I also get a kick out of Once Upon A Time and Salem. That last one will really have you thinking about being nice to your women. I've noticed one thing lately. There are a lot of shows that have these heavy duty monologues performed by very young teen actors and they perform them quite well. Many young actresses are performing well beyond their age.I'm retired and bored, so I watch a lot of TV. Too much.
Am I the only one that thinks network TV has forgotten how to produce a good show? When an A list star like Halle Barry can't save a TV show..........
The only watchable shows are on the non-network channels. (Tyrant is a great show.)
It seems like ever since "Lost" did so well, too many shows now move the story line all over the place. (Ex, Under The Dome.) And, one more zombie show and I'm going to smash my TV.
OK. Got that off my chest.
so... as far as free, there is probably a reason that its regular TV?
Notice how the start and end times are starting to drift one way or the other? Ex, start, 9PM, end 10:02.
Why? Simple.
They are getting back at those of us that DVR their shows and then fast forward through the commercials. With oddball starts/finishes, they are hoping that you'll pick their show to watch "live".
They don't have as many sponsors (or they have less powerful sponsors) on free network and work with a lower budget, leadign to lower quality
If it's programmed that way in the guide, the DVR should automatically start and end at those times. If a show consistently runs over time, you can adjust your DVR to run a few extra minutes.
But I like that theory
our DVR has an option to add some many minutes to before and after the recording time to avoid that issue.
...Simple solution...
Simple solution.