WaPo: Republican Healthcare Plan actually reduces deficit


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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This is for all you Dems (like foxpaws) who claimed that the Republicans didn't have a plan, and it's also for Obama, who promised to listen to ANY suggestions.

Washington Post

Rep. Paul D. Ryan says he is determined to make sure the Republican Party is viewed as “the alternative party, not the opposition party.”

That is a goal President Obama embraced when he visited House Republicans at their policy retreat in Baltimore last week, and he singled out Ryan as someone he would like to work with — even mentioning budget legislation the Wisconsin Republican co-wrote.

Released two days before the unusual back-and-forth session between Obama and the GOP, the bill sponsored by Ryan and five other House members would seek to reduce the deficit and spur economic growth by cutting the tax rate on corporations, shifting future Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to private insurance plans, and both raising the retirement age gradually to 70 and reducing the growth of benefits to make Social Security solvent.

Even Democrats have acknowledged that it is one of the few plans offered by a member of either party that would lower the long-term budget deficit.

As far as I'm concerned, any Dem that ignores this kind of plan is simply trying to consolidate power for the Federal Government instead of help solve problems.
I've met and talked with Paul a bunch of times. No one can talk him into either a Senate run or Presidential run. In another 7 years, I think he would make a perfect candidate if the country continues to move to the right and recognize its huge mistake electing the community organizer.
This sounds great and all but SOB, 70, that means I'll have been working well over 55years before I retire. Guess I'll just have to stick to the only saying never slow down never grow old!
This sounds great and all but SOB, 70, that means I'll have been working well over 55years before I retire. Guess I'll just have to stick to the only saying never slow down never grow old!
It's better than having paid all those years into a ponzi scheme to fund other people's retirements and then having nothing paid into yours.
It's better than having paid all those years into a ponzi scheme to fund other people's retirements and then having nothing paid into yours.

True, if i ever get anything. I pay more taxes into social security then anything else and there's no security in it for me.
True, if i ever get anything. I pay more taxes into social security then anything else and there's no security in it for me.

Your paying 12.4% of your income into the Fed every year you work, excluding Medicare.

Just think about the money you would have after 50 years of working if the Feds didn't touch a dime of it.

Privatizing is the only solution. Private Defined Benefit plans that rely on bonds or other low risks investments (read-smaller returns) would save everyone currently not heavily invested in the Trojan Horse called Social Security.

Each one of my kids will have their own company come the age of 18 to take advantage of each and every tax break available to them. Otherwise, they will stand no chance of any kind of retirement under the Federal umbrella.
SOCIAL SECURITY "THE GREAT ROOSEVELT PONZI SCHEME" SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN TOUCHED. Our government is designed like a MAZE so there's noone to really blame when the sh**t hits the fan LIKE NOW. It's their fault,,aah wait no it's those guys fault,,or is it those other guys fault?
Fact Check: Obama and House Republicans

This is for all you Dems (like foxpaws) who claimed that the Republicans didn't have a plan, and it's also for Obama, who promised to listen to ANY suggestions.

Washington Post

As far as I'm concerned, any Dem that ignores this kind of plan is simply trying to consolidate power for the Federal Government instead of help solve problems.

From the NY Times
http://prescriptions.blogs.nytimes....ealth-care/?scp=6&sq=obama republicans&st=cse
http://prescriptions.blogs.nytimes....ealth-care/?scp=6&sq=obama republicans&st=cse


Sorry if you have to cut and paste. I'm having an issue getting the link to work.
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The NYT fact checking is flawed. I stopped right here:
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican bill would extend insurance coverage to about 3 million people by 2019, while leaving about 52 million uninsured (PDF).
That number of uninsured is FALSE.

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