weird cruise control problem


Active LVC Member
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Sioux City
I have an 06 LS. I have had the check AdvancTrac light for several months. I had a guy look at it a few weeks ago and he said he thought it was either the yaw module or anti lock brake module. Both were fairly expensive so I decided to live with it as he said it is just taking out my anti lock brakes. After he did that I didn't drive the car much. I then had a new stereo system installed and the next day left on an 11 day road trip. The whole trip the cruise control would work close to an hour and then stop. If I shut the car off and restarted, it would work again for the same amount of time and then stop. Stereo guy says it should have nothing to do with him, but he will look at it when I bring it in for some problems with the headrest screens I had him install. Any ideas on what this could be and which one of the guys I could possibly accuse? Seems really strange to me, but I am by no means a mechanic. Thanks in advance.
I highly doubt the stereo guy did anything that caused this problem...

youre probably gonna need a real fancy scan tool to find the actual problem...
The guy who was looking at the AdvanceTrac problem should have that. A lot of the local shops use him instead of the dealer. He had torn into that so maybe he caused the problem.
You need to get a better "guy" if he thinks that a YAW problem would really cause an ABS problem. (I am assuming that the ABS light is on. If not, then your ABS is okay and only your AdvanceTrac is out.)
You may just have some bad and marginal wheel speed sensors (this would explain the cruise dropping out after an hour).
Take it to a dealership. If the AdvancTrac light is on, it'll throw a code. These codes can't be read by a normal scan tool; the dealership is probably the only one who could diagnose this properly (unless you can find an indepentent with the right scan tool, but they're usually manufacturer specific and very expensive so most indepentents don't have them).
Thanks guys. Have an appointment with the dealer to figure out my Advance Trac blinking light and the cruise control. Hopefully they are both related. It is still weird to me that the cruise control works for 45 minutes to an hour every time the car is started then mysteriously fails. Someone suggested a brake switch but who knows.
Took it to the dealership and there was a communication problem with the yaw sensor like the other guy had told me. The ran a new wire and the Advance Trac alarm is gone for now. Cost $439. Haven't driven it far enough to see if the cruise control shuts off after time yet.
Took it to the dealership and there was a communication problem with the yaw sensor like the other guy had told me. The ran a new wire and the Advance Trac alarm is gone for now. Cost $439. Haven't driven it far enough to see if the cruise control shuts off after time yet.

So it was never a case of "he said it is just taking out my anti lock brakes?" If your ABS was always working, then this makes sense. I stand by my statement. A YAW sensor problem will not cause ABS problems, only AdvanceTrac problems.
Yeah, I figured you were correct Joe. I think the guy that gave me the initial diagnosis was smart enough to get in the right ballpark but maybe not get the job completed. He did say it was only taking out my anti lock brakes and blamed the problem on the yaw sensor or possibly the anti lock brake module. Wish I would have taken it to the dealership first but the guy was recommended to me.
Hoping the cruise control problem was somehow related to this, but I have my doubts. Will know when I take it for a longer drive. That's the last thing I have to get working properly and then I will be pretty happy with my purchase and may be ready to get some nice wheels on it. The originals aren't in that great of shape. Drove it 3600 miles round trip on a vacation and the car ran great.

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