Weird Idle situation


New LVC Member
Apr 12, 2005
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beside the lake
Hello this is my first post... I went theought the forum for a bit before I asked this just to make sure it wasent covered.....

I have an 86 Towncar, It will idle and drive fine for weeks at a time, Then it would either stall out or idle at 40 MPH, I replaced the IAC and it never fixed the problem. Could i have maybr got a bad IAC or is there some other problem that is hidden in there somwhere ?

p.s. as far as the idle, It idles so high that on a rainy day it will power brake at a stop light.

I unplugged IAC and it just idles ok but stalls alot and still idles high some of the time.

I am baffled. :Bang
can you hear any vacumme leaks. disconnect the linkage and see if it idles down.
l-m tech said:
can you hear any vacumme leaks. disconnect the linkage and see if it idles down.

When it starts to idle up it will CLICK then i hear lots of air rushing, I will disconnect the linkage and see what happens.
is the click that you hear the ac coming on.if so it will make the iac flow more are to compensate for the load.
Just a thought. Does the EGR run of of a cylinoid ? My egr is broke i was thinking maybe the relay would click and the egr would suck air ? Maybe ?

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