I don't want to hijack the thread but I am having a similar problem, that has now started happening a week after having the thermostat replaced.
This is on a 2001 V8 sport.
Last fall, I had overheating issues where after starting and driving the car, the temp gauge would go right past 9 o'clock and spike a temp, usually going into reduced power mode. I would pull over, shut it off and wait, and after a few minutes I could actually hear something "pop" followed by a little hum and sometimes the rush of liquid through plumbing. This overheating would only occur when the outside temp was over 50°F or so. On cold days, it was always fine, and as winter came it wasn't a problem any more.
A few weeks ago when it finally started to warm up around here, the problem resurfaced. Same thing as before except it took longer and longer each time to hear that popping noise (which I assume was the thermostat popping open and coolant rushing through the system). Also, there would be coolant leaked behind the driver side front wheel, but only when it overheated. I took it to a local shop and they replaced the thermostat. It was fine for a week, but then it was cold out around here again, so who knows?
Anyway today on my way home it overheated again. But this time it didn't do it right away. I went a few miles, more than I could normally go if the thermostat "stuck" and then it sort of gradually overheated. I pulled over, shut it off, and waited. Heard the pop and whoosh again. Restarted the car and the temp was normal the rest of the way home.
Any ideas? After searching the other threads I'm guessing the leaking is from a cracked degas bottle. But could something else be going on? Why does it still act like a stuck thermostat with the popping? Or could that be an air bubble trapped in the system? I'm guessing if coolant can leak out of that bottle, then air can leak in?
Any help would be appreciated.