Weird ?

ford nut

Local nut case
May 14, 2007
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I was out tonight...... left my 1993 mark sit for about a hour. :"83 k no rust"
Came back and the dam thing wouldnt start.
It wouldnt turn over... I keep one of those Batt, Alt checkers that plug into the Cig lighter in the car " A must for any Mark owner ".
Everything checked ok.
Checked Bat. cables seemed ok and tight.
Still no start no turn over, like no Batt power.
I had lots of Batt. to run the windows ect.
Reset fuel pump switch in trunk still no power " I could hear a clicking sound in trunk "
Started to check fuses, every thing looked good.
On key bob I hit lock then unlock...... the anti theft on dash flashed I tryed to restart and she poped and ran fine, no problems restarting after that :confused:
I'm thinking the Anti theft was confused.
Anyone else ever have this happen ?
Yeah it was def. your anti theft module. Sometimes when I'm driving down the road my horn starts going off for no reason at all.
Mine will go off whenever i use the key to open the door, its really strange
Make sure you turn the key ALL the way. Even the owner's manual makes note that the alarm may go off if the key is not fully turned, just FYI. If its still a problem, then something is simply work out :(

I always use my keypad, never my key :)
That must have been it she is fine today.
Funny thing is I always use the key pad to unlock it must of just had a brain fart.
I tryed many times with the key all the way even put the car in drive and it locked the doors still no start untill I locked the doors rehit key bob untill the horn honked un locked door with key pad anti theft falshed and bingo it started.
Just somthing to rember I guess if it happens again.
Actually, I think the trick for you was when you opened and closed the trunk. At least, that's how I have to reset my step-dad's alarm when it goes SNAFU.
Ok I spoke too soon.
It did it again.
Key fob trick didnt work this time.
Just kept trying and it started after about ten min. :mad:
I'm thinking ignition switch or a anti theft problem.
Is there anyway to bypass the anti theft ?
Time to do a search.:(
You disconnect it it is behind the glove box there is two clips. Not sure which one you disconnect though.
Thanks BlntdEyez
I found a pic and info at the .org site, and put the tools I need in the car so I will be ready if or I mean when it happens again.
Yeah, the alarm has a cut off for the ignition to keep thieves from driving off. 10-15 minute delay.
I am at the point were I hate this car, and cant trust it.
Disabled the anti theft still get a no start sometimes.
It stranded me 2 times this weekend.
On Friday it wouldnt start left it for about a hour came back and it started, On sat. I left it for over 3 hours, I had to have it towed home.
I can hear the relay under the hood clicking .
Tryed switching relays Sat night no help.
I wake up Sun morning and it starts just fine. :confused:
Ing. switch :confused: :confused: starter :confused: :confused:
Just not sure what to do.
I am sure glad I have somthing else to drive to get me to work and back.:mad:
it could be the "PATS" system transponder (the ring around the ign cyl that picks up the signal from chip in the key) but without the scan tool i cant tell you if this will fix it for sure, does the theft light flash rapidly when it dosent start?
Its a Gen 1 no pats, I Disabled the anti theft .
When its in a no start condition I can hear the second relay clicking which tells me the ignition switch is doing its part.
Going to try to get it in a no start mode and check to see if I am getting power down at the starter,or put in my spare starter and see if that takes care of it.
Wont be able to get to it tell after the weekend.
This sounds like the $hits... I've had mine run fine go into the store come out and nothing but mine was only a bad battery connection. Replaced the clamp and no problems. Yours sounds much different.
It sucks.
I love to drive this car, just cant trust it untill I get to the bottom of it.
when it dosent start have some one turn the key and you check for power on the "s-wire" of the starter, the small wire (usually pink with a blue tracer) its in a fun location, but usually the connector and/or the wire itself gets corroded and dosent work
I think its fixed.
I had power to the starter.
I took the starter out of my 94 parts car and put it in my 93, it has started with no problems so far.
What a pain in the ass it is to change.
I think the solenoid is fried it is right next to the exhaust.
The plan is to take my old starter get it rebuilt then put it in my 93, take the 94 starter out and put it back in the 94.
I used anti seize on the threads hopefully it wont be such a fight to get back out.
Make a heat shield. Mine is fried and has been working fine for a while, but when its cold out it acts up badly. I have a new one to put in soon and when I do I am thinking of making a heat shield.
That aint a bad idea unity.
Maybe some header wrap around the pipe were the starter is.
Keep the heat away from the solenoid.
Clicking sound when trying to start Mark VIII

:confused: I have got a clicking sound twice when I tried to start my 95 and the first time it clicked 3 times and then started the second it clicked 10 times. I think there is a bad place on the comuntator, so I am looking at getting a new starter, but I am not sure. How do you test it with it still on the car?
The battery cables are clean and the battery is one year old. This is an intermittant thing, happened twice in 2 days out of 10 starts. That is why I think it is the comuntator (the part of the armature in the starter that the brushes hit)
Mine was the solenoid I replaced it and put it into the parts car cheaper then the whole starter.
Make sure you have power to the starter, if you do pull the starter its a hard one to get out use a swivel close to the ratchet with a 3 inch extension for the top bolt, use the swivel next to the socket and a 3 inch extension for the second highest bolt.
You can bench try the starter once its out.
I took the solenoid off the starter, took the starter apart and cleaned it greased the bearings hooked power the the cable and ground the case and it worked fine so I just went and got a solenoid for $45 and its been good since.
If the comuntator is good they also sell a kit to replace the brushes.

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