Well guys (and gals) thanks for all the great info..


Active LVC Member
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Fox Lake
Its been a great place. and I learned a lot here in the short time I had my LS...But I am sad to say (kind of) that I am sold the LS for a Tahoe. I had a Tahoe prior my LS, and I just am not ready to give up all the space, and towing ability of that truck. SO I sold the LS for a tahoe lastnight!!

Again, thanks for all the help / info / its a GREAT board here compard to others..

Take care.
MIke :waving:
IL-LS said:
Its been a great place. and I learned a lot here in the short time I had my LS...But I am sad to say (kind of) that I am sold the LS for a Tahoe. I had a Tahoe prior my LS, and I just am not ready to give up all the space, and towing ability of that truck. SO I sold the LS for a tahoe lastnight!!

Again, thanks for all the help / info / its a GREAT board here compard to others..

Take care.
MIke :waving:
Good luck with the Tahoe! Just because you got rid of your LS doesn't mean you can't hang out here. We are not going anywhere and would like to have you hang around. Post some pics of your new ride!
IL-LS said:
Its been a great place. and I learned a lot here in the short time I had my LS...But I am sad to say (kind of) that I am sold the LS for a Tahoe.

Good luck!
Yeah, I'll poke my head in here still, its a great group!! Ill grab some photos this PM and show it to you..

I will miss the speed of the LS, and the way that thing could handle, but I guess I just miss the truck / suv world more...
Uh...Good Luck...sucks you had to get rid of the LS. Hopefully she'll will end up with someone who takes care of her. I didn't want to get rid of my truck when I got my LS...so I didn't. Hell, now I'm thinking of buying a Mk VIII. I don't know what I'll do with three cars but what the hell.

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