well im stumped


Dedicated LVC Member
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
so I put on a new tps and a new iac to fix the idel problem. it worked for about a day or two, now its doing the same thing again, when I put in park or netural it starts reving up
This happened to me... Unhook the cruise cable from the TB and see how it runs. My cable was adjusted wrong and it was holding the throttle plate cracked open.
cruise cable isn't connected can't be that. seems to happen after I've been driving around town for a while. also vac lines seem to be good
Did you reset the computer? Sometimes the learned systems can keep a problem alive even after its been fixed.
you said you had them erase the codes, what were the codes?? also a vacuum leak in a mark 8 will idle very uneasy and slow, not fast. Any ford with a MAF will run slow and lean with a leak, a ford with just a MAP sensor will run fast with no codes. like a 1988 f150.

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