What can I do with this?

Congrats secret Canadian purchaser. LOL. Like Ben, I think I am guessing Big.
Sold to a fellow member in Canada, should be making its way North at the moment :D

No secret ... it arrived, it actually arrived before I got back home and the wife thought she was picking up
her new boots from the post office which she had ordered online, WRONG, it's my Grille, now hands off LADY.

Many thanks Mlara, it's not going on right away as my LS is seeking shelter from the Canadian winter.

It will give me some time over the winter to perfect the damage repair and clean up the holes a little
further then color match it to the Silver Frost Metallic and flat black the mesh insert.

Good deal, thanks again!
Somehow I missed the rebirth of this grille.

I know it is sold, but it looks great dude. Most of us will paint the center black anyways, thus making the hole's edges less noticeable anyways. Seriously great job, I thought it was a goner.
The Frankenstein Grille lives on (up North) !!!!!
No secret ... it arrived, it actually arrived before I got back home and the wife thought she was picking up
her new boots from the post office which she had ordered online, WRONG, it's my Grille, now hands off LADY.

Many thanks Mlara, it's not going on right away as my LS is seeking shelter from the Canadian winter.

It will give me some time over the winter to perfect the damage repair and clean up the holes a little
further then color match it to the Silver Frost Metallic and flat black the mesh insert.

Good deal, thanks again!

pics along the way please
Found the "aircraft paint remover" thread!

Can't believe so much time has past, thing has been sitting around as long as my sunroof repair kit.

Mlara did an amazing job bringing this back from the near dead. However there was a lot of detailed work to be done to the holes which had rough edging to it. Several of the smaller holes needed to have the filler cleaned out of them and the top part where the emblem goes, it was uneven, left ridge sat lower then the right, possibly a sander held down on one spot too long with a lean to the left causing the uneven ridges. Back side of the entire grille had aircraft paint remover run past the holes so it was rather rough on the back as well.

Not taking anything away from Mlara, he restored it and salvaged it really nicely, it just needed a few more hours of perfecting.

It's all done now and has been Silver Frost Metallic color matched, the flat black insert will follow shortly.





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