What cars have u raced and smoked??

Well im super impressed i spanked an IS300 from dead stop to red light for three blockes we did this (red light three times) the guy was so pissed and his buddy in the passenger was laughting his ass of.
Ive walked away like nothing to it on two different rx8's both old guys jaw dropped :eek2: :eek2: great stuff and onces on i-95 spanked the hell out qa honda accord v6 he was a dick thought tried to run me off the road my girl was freakin out so i stepped on it and blew the doors off him and some other cars around he tried to keep up but just wasnt happening.. :ricesmile all day long...Intake is the only thing i got (N20 is almost done jsut need to paint the bottles)


SilverLS said:
Well im super impressed i spanked an IS300 from dead stop to red light for three blockes we did this (red light three times) the guy was so pissed and his buddy in the passenger was laughting his ass of.
Ive walked away like nothing to it on two different rx8's both old guys jaw dropped :eek2: :eek2: great stuff and onces on i-95 spanked the hell out qa honda accord v6 he was a dick thought tried to run me off the road my girl was freakin out so i stepped on it and blew the doors off him and some other cars around he tried to keep up but just wasnt happening.. :ricesmile all day long...Intake is the only thing i got (N20 is almost done jsut need to paint the bottles)
Put on the kkm filter/adapter. You can feel a power difference, and its only $90.

As far as what to race, look for rice first, but avoid evos, and wrx. Other than that, just go with instinct, be safe, and show them what you got.

I have a cone filter, and am looking to buy exhaust this week.
[SIZE=3]Just won my first race in this car. I have only had it for about six months. I was at a stop light and this little Accord pulls up, reving his 4 banger he looks over at me and smiles. The light turned green, I hit it perfect and he spun a little All I could see was the little H on his hood in my rearview mirror. About 4 miles up the road is a clover leaf, I went right and he went left as he was passing me he gave me the bird. Whats that all about? Did he think he was going to beat my 302 HO? Did I deserve the finger?[/SIZE]
well i havnt, raced in like 11 months but the last few times i did
i only did becosue i didnt caar how mouch i put out or how mouch damage i could do i riped it a new gear
i was having the engine rebuild and a new trany droped in the next week any ways
so i dumped 10 gallons off Sonoco gtpus 104 unleded in
and walked 3 honda acord 2 doors
a honda civic
a maxima 04
and to one 1994 and a 1995 mustANGE gt
in the same night
here is a ? for you all.
when is "ok" to give somone your racing the finger? after you pass him or as you pass him?
is it ok to hit your hazerd lights when you smoke somone at the drag strip?
sure its okay.... i wouldnt recommend it, you never know who your gona give the "Bird".. could pull outa gun, or even a half full 40 bottle and whip it at your car.. i bet you dont flip that bird again.. imho.. ;)
shotgun neaver leave home with out it!
SH!T thats "american express ...............
Ill still do it but it doesn't get the same responce as outher things
dertyclown said:
here is a ? for you all.
when is "ok" to give somone your racing the finger? after you pass him or as you pass him?
is it ok to hit your hazerd lights when you smoke somone at the drag strip?

I don't agree with giving someone the finger just because you lost. It drives me NUTS when I blow by someone ,(WHO INSTIGATED THE RACE), and they fly right back by and flip me off after the race is over. Learn to cut your losses when you should.

Keep the bird in the cage.

Well last night i had my first race in my rocket
we were neck and neck till about 70kmh and then see yah i laughed at him 4 kids in a a a a
05 Durango HEMI
what a waste !!!
elchory1201 said:
U BEAT A 05 DURANGO HEMI? what do u have under your hood? what engine?

Dont look at sheer horsepower. If that were the case we'd be getting smoked by 18 wheelers. Look at what the vehicle was made to be used for. Also dont forget the weight. Gearing plays alot into it also. As much as horsepower unless it redlines at 10k RPM's!:)
I know I drive an VIII but the cars I have wasted
-a new gto not the 400hp one but the 350hp
-WRX with some mods
-honda SI with a b18 swap(it was a good race to tell you the truth)
-95 lincoln mark VIII with UD pully
-96 stang with lots of mods
-cant remember the year but a Nova with a brand new 350 and mods
-88 cutlass with a 350 and lot of mods
alot more but these are recent
Last race was...

Last race was against a Subaru WRX Station Wagon ... HKS exhaust/filter/bov .... Gutted out , 2 front racing seats ... From a 20mph roll I beat him all the way to around 110ish .... From a dig I had him beat till about 90 then he started walking on me veryyyyyyyyyy slowly. I personally think the LS is a beast and has alot of potential, plus its pretty high revving for a stock v8.
Today took out a new WRX (not the STI) by about 5 car lengths to 70mph and yesterday had a 2005 Mustang GT glued to my rear bumper that wasnt able to pass me.

NO SPARE TIRE (10lbs lighter, haha)
:woowoo2: my buddy just did a pretty sick engine swap on an older (i think 95'?) Jeep Wrangler with i think (sorry for all the guess') 33" tires. put a 350 in it w/ a 5 speed. cut his exhaust off under the drivers side and sounds like a beast. so without a doubt we were driving next to each other and stopped at a light after a meal at hooters and he starts reving, so i just sat and looked over, then the light changed, he stayed on my rear fender till 3rd or so, then he became an item in my rear view, i was impressed with my car but more impressed that a beefed up jeep wrangler could hang. (2000 LS V8 Sport, all i have is a KKM Filter)
Still can beat my wifes Volvo S60 T5 with an ECU upgrade 300HP with 360lbs torque. The turbo just screams!! I need one for my LS.
This wasn't in my LS, but when I lived in Dallas, I drove an '86 Trans Am. Stock hp around 190-200 I believe. Anyways, I never raced much, but since I had the chicken on the hood, I was baited often. Well, one time I raced this guy in a brand new civic on 114 just for the hell of it, and I was killing him all the way yo about 100 mph. After that my car just wouldn't give anymore, so I slowed down, and he did the patented ricer drive by, and laughing with his friend. WTF?? Anyways, I get off a few exits later to get some gas, and low and behold, who is there. Mr. Civic, that's right. Well, I pull up behind him and start filling up my car. He and his friend start whispering like little girls, and he starts saying hey to me, and giving me these looks like my car sucked(which it did, in spades BTW). So I start asking him about is car, and he tells me it's just a few months old, and that he has about $15,000 in upgrades to the car. And then I started laughing real hard, and he looks at me all p/o'd, and asked what I was laughing at. I told him he should feel proud of the fact that his basically brand new car that in total probably cost upwards of $30,000 after upgrades only after 100mph barely beat my almost 20 year old car that I paid $1500 for, and only had a auto 305, and burned more oil than a flaming oil pump. Then I walked up and patted him on the back. I think I took just a little of his thunder away. Anyways, Finally got rid of my redneck mobile(it was red, with t-tops and the chicken on the hood, I mean come on, you could maybe find 3 cars more redneck than that) and bought the LS, and haven't looked back since.

PS. the 0-60 of the T/A was somewhere around 9-10 seconds. That's 0-60, not 1/4 mile.
raylisiak said:
...and yesterday had a 2005 Mustang GT glued to my rear bumper that wasnt able to pass me.

NO SPARE TIRE (10lbs lighter, haha)

:bsflag: New Mustang GT will run high 13's. Even the slow ones will run low 14.s. No way an LS runs that quick without a healthy shot of juice. Even with that, it would be a decent race.
Kelleyo said:
I beat lots of folks in the "stoplight" wars. It's all about Reaction Time... That and the fact that some of my competitors do not know they are racing.. :waving: :waving:

Yeah... Until you react real qicklike on the green, but the guy coming from your right decides he can make the yellow light...
05 GTs run high 13's with an experianced driver on the stick. do not forget they run those cars like 50 times to get the best ET. so basically i see the 05 GT manual around 14.1-14.3, and the auto probably a 14.4-14.5!!! however i also agree... there is noway he could have beat a 05 GT, the way he did.
I failed to mention, the GT was a auto. Once you get a PCM flash running on 100 octane, exhaust and intake, then we'll talk. Of course a stock LS isnt going to beat a GT. Plus like the previos post states, its all about reaction time once the light goes green.
hmm Walked a V6 camaro last night. Guy thought I cut him off and he went around me like a badass. I got up next to him on the freeway and I had a feeling he'd punch it. Sure enough I was right, we took off and I walked him. I know your thinking big deal a V6 camaro, but I like the fact that a family car beat him. I know I need some bolt-ons, but I didn't buy it to race everyone.

Also, I had a buddy call me out in a 5spd V6 Maxima(98/99?). He kept talkin $hit, but when it came down to it, he lost. There were a few excuses in there, too. LOL

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