I got a second key made. Now I've got two keys and two remotes. And one key that does everything but start the car.Whoo hoo!
Well, ok, it's not much, but it's something. I goes lots more to do. :L
So...you have a 97/98 with PATS and why doesn't your second key not start the car, because it is a normal non RFID/chipped key, or because it is a chipped key and needs programmed?
I was temping fate for a long time a single key, and not wanting to put out 60 bucks for a PATS key. I got Ace to cut me a regular key (they, like lots of other places, still think that a non chipped key can cause issues, like with the older Chevrolets with the resistor) and snagged a PATS key from the junk yard, and programmed it in.
It ain't pretty but I have a backup for a buck.
....installed a baby seat in anticipation.
11/27 4200 block of Hwy 58 Suffolk, Va: I was car #4 in a 5 car rear-ender chain reaction pile up. Only driver #1 got a ticket for coming to an immediate stop/reckless driving (she missed her turn). I got major front end damage (bent frame/core support) from rear ending a Corolla at about 40 mph. I was rear ended by a Jetta that rolled- clipped my pass side rear bumper. My mark is totalled no doubt. My left forearm was rashed from the airbag, but no other physical harm done. The tank saved me.
RIP '96 :q
lots of surplus 96 and gen 1 parts to list for sale....IMRC's PCM, VCRM, (96 LSC headlights in EC) I also pulled my aftermarket stereo head out which has the correct wiring harness-ready for plug and play
---That sucks dnsherrill
buy it back for parts for the next one though.
TBD....it's up in the air currently, in Va-like NC-there's a 1% law: if someone hit my car but I was also at fault I get no coverage from them.
Maybe this is my chance to finally get into a gen 2, or pre 96 mark....DEFINITELY not another 96!!!
-----At least you got the XCalII and returned it to stock so you can use it. I am not sure of anyone that will still do tunes with them, I have mine from my 97 Cougar that I haven't done anything with.
My new dd
ThanksNice Ride, black interior? Where did you pick it up at?