What is this cable?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2009
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I think the O rings in this thing might be getting bad because there is signs of leaking oil around this.. Any suggestions on where I can get it from or what its actually called so I can order a new one. Thanks in advance
Could it be a PCV valve on the V8? it just looks like its in a good location for it
Its $32 from the Lincoln dealer. None of the parts stores around me had it, it was a dealer item.

You could just replace the o-rings in it if that is what is leaking. Mine was leaking where it connects to the valve cover. It was the part in my valve cover that was actually leaking. I just pulled it out, cleaned it up, and put it back in using RTV.
is there something stopping us from replacing the "tube" with two small breathers so we don't have contaminated warm air going back into the intake?
or maybe even just one breather on the valve cover and plug the other end?
and also doing the same with the other side right after the MAFS?
is there something stopping us from replacing the "tube" with two small breathers so we don't have contaminated warm air going back into the intake?
or maybe even just one breather on the valve cover and plug the other end?
and also doing the same with the other side right after the MAFS?

we should hook that tube up to a leaf blower:D
lol...but seriously i'm not a big fan of having my engine breathe contaminated air out of the valve cover. and that air has got to be pretty warm coming out of the valve cover
or..maybe i'm thinking about it the wrong way and it's sucking clean air into the valve cover...but probly not because then we wouldn't have problems with oil leaking there
lol...but seriously i'm not a big fan of having my engine breathe contaminated air out of the valve cover. and that air has got to be pretty warm coming out of the valve cover
or..maybe i'm thinking about it the wrong way and it's sucking clean air into the valve cover...but probly not because then we wouldn't have problems with oil leaking there

no i looked at it before, the inside of the valve cover is like a metal screen in that area, so i guess it sucks hot air from the VC, it may have some use- like if the fumes are still there and can be burned for combustion, it recylces it, im not sure the real purpose, but i dont understand hot dirty air going into the intake either, but it must have some benefits as long as oil isnt being sucked in too
well i'm just gonna delete those "suckers" and see how it reacts to plugging the the other end going into the intake.
well i'm just gonna delete those "suckers" and see how it reacts to plugging the the other end going into the intake.

Do this only if you like having oil leaks and poor mixture control. (The PCM counts on the unmetered air from the crankcase.)
well i'm just gonna delete those "suckers" and see how it reacts to plugging the the other end going into the intake.

do not do that. this is a PCV system - bleeds off excess crankcase pressure. int he old days you would simply put a little filter there - but that is not emission legal, you have to point it back into the intake.

Do not block it off.
do not do that. this is a PCV system - bleeds off excess crankcase pressure. int he old days you would simply put a little filter there - but that is not emission legal, you have to point it back into the intake.

Do not block it off.

well i don't have emissions testing where i live and my whole A/F and ratio and fuel maps are gonna have to be redone anyway so the PCM part won't be a problem. as far as the oil leaking goes..as long as there isn't a vacuum coming from the intake there shouldn't be a problem with oil leaking bc it would simply equalize the pressure in the valve cover and outside.
besides that...would there be any other negative/positive affects?
Quik...that's what i was thinking of using.
as far as engine performance and operation goes...would it be a waste of time? would it be a hinderence to anything? If you were in my situation would you do it?
it not going to be noticable as far a gains, but will prevent oil getting into the intake.

what you have to look for is the filter getting oil soaked and then dripping on to the valve covers and then onto the manifolds.... the LS actually has quite a bit of blow-by.
You can always use a catch can/oil separator. The 6.1 Hemis have a horrible PCV system that sucks oil into the intake that pools up and kills performance. If you Google "catch can 6.1 Hemi", you should be able to find what I'm talking about and maybe put one together for yourself.
I use two on my LS right now....

here's a pic - I would not recommend these - as they seem to work but may not have enough 'flow'... looking to step up to a 'real' one.

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