fossten said:5. If the females have the right to decide between a baby's life or death because they are biologically linked, shouldn't the father, who is just as biologically linked, have an equal say in the decision? Why, then, are fathers prohibited from deciding between life or death?
One this one, I completely agree with you. This is a huge hipocracy. The father has no rights after he gets out of bed. If she aborts, he has no say, if she keeps the child, he's stuck with 18 years of support regardless of his wishes. This is completely unfair across the board. I agree that women claim they want the right to control their body, but they sure dont seem to want to the financial responsibility that comes with that control.
Beyond that - Your argument about illegal drugs is just plain stupid. By your logic, why does a woman have a right to choose natural childbirth vs a C-section. Why can a woman refuse medical treatment for an injury or elect to have a boob job? If she doesnt have the right to take illegal drugs why should she be able to get a boob job?
I wont even get into the rest of your points.
Look, if you want to debate the constitutionality of this, I am more then willing to do so. But I wont engage in a constitutional debate about points that are not constitutional based. How an abortion is performed has no bearing on the constitutionality of the woman's right to control what happens with her body.