What mufflers are you running?

NJ95MARK8 said:
i like the lms mufflers they are the ones that are supposed to be perfect for the modular engines. Im running flowmaster 80 series. but as soon as i find out how much geno charges for a full exhaust replacement 2.25 all the way down to his cat backs. just like the one from the video sounds great.
lms x pipe and exhaust plus all the tubing and labor geno send me a pm on how much. i want it to sound just like the one in the video.
Go with 2.5", Its not much more than 2.25". The place I got my exhaust done didnt charge and extra dime for 2.5".
JC1994 said:
and exhaust sound is a matter of opinion, run what you like. I don't mean to imply that you should use what I have.
Yes! Its all about the person that drives the car and how they want it to sound. Like you said to me a while back "your car sounds bubbly, Kinda like a boat".:)
NJ95MARK8 said:
i like the lms mufflers they are the ones that are supposed to be perfect for the modular engines. Im running flowmaster 80 series. but as soon as i find out how much geno charges for a full exhaust replacement 2.25 all the way down to his cat backs. just like the one from the video sounds great.
lms x pipe and exhaust plus all the tubing and labor geno send me a pm on how much. i want it to sound just like the one in the video.

Check your pm.
MarkVIII93 said:
Yes! Its all about the person that drives the car and how they want it to sound. Like you said to me a while back "your car sounds bubbly, Kinda like a boat".:)
when I tried to record a sound clip of my exhaust and post it, man it sounded SH!TTY!!! :) I was just kidding with you about the boat sound cause everyone thinks these cars are boats and it's up to us to show them different!
MarkVIII93 said:
Yes! Its all about the person that drives the car and how they want it to sound. Like you said to me a while back "your car sounds bubbly, Kinda like a boat".:)
I liked the sound. Its so hard to tell without being there.
JC1994 said:
when I tried to record a sound clip of my exhaust and post it, man it sounded SH!TTY!!! :) I was just kidding with you about the boat sound cause everyone thinks these cars are boats and it's up to us to show them different!
Yah I know you were messin with me. Its alright....
02LSE96LSC91SE84TC said:
I liked the sound. Its so hard to tell without being there.
You should hear it when i put the MAF on there. It sounded like it had cams or something. It was just it running out of fuel though.
No I'm not, at least I thought that was your car, about a month ago. Magna-Flow 2in 2out 2 1/2 allthe way back, no third conv. Sounded good.
Here's a pic of a nice Mark VIII parade. My Mark is the Black 1st gen in the middle, you could see the Magnaflows a little. Sorta hard to see. They look pretty nice from behind.

478975543rwwLLW_ph (Small).jpg
02LSE96LSC91SE84TC said:
No I'm not, at least I thought that was your car, about a month ago. Magna-Flow 2in 2out 2 1/2 allthe way back, no third conv. Sounded good.
HUH? I dont know who you're talkin to but heres a pic of my car....There is A LOT of rusty sh1t under the car, but the actual body is very clean.
MarkVIII93 said:
HUH? I dont know who you're talkin to but heres a pic of my car....There is A LOT of rusty sh1t under the car, but the actual body is very clean.
Yeh you. I like that set-up because I can do the same tips on my car, I love the way they look.

BORLA!!!!! they sound great and dont have the "tiney" sound, sounds more like airwolf coming down the road.

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