What Spark plugs are you using?

Me? yess.. When you put coppers in this car, they aren't going to last 100k.. Missin' Linc" has them and he said he changes them every other oil change.. That might be a bit much but I would say every 15k miles
Me? yess.. When you put coppers in this car, they aren't going to last 100k.. Missin' Linc" has them and he said he changes them every other oil change.. That might be a bit much but I would say every 15k miles

My platinums were fouling in less than 10k, so far the coppers are fouling less. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. Copper is a far better conductor then platinum, it also heats up more thus burning off contaminants. So, in an iffy situation, they will not foul as easily. My car just turned 110K and its had at least 4 sets of plugs in the last 50K plus 3 sets of cops.. I also pack the cops with dialectric grease so the oil/water cant get into the cop.
My platinums were fouling in less than 10k, so far the coppers are fouling less. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. Copper is a far better conductor then platinum, it also heats up more thus burning off contaminants. So, in an iffy situation, they will not foul as easily. My car just turned 110K and its had at least 4 sets of plugs in the last 50K plus 3 sets of cops.. I also pack the cops with dialectric grease so the oil/water cant get into the cop.

You have something else wrong if you are fouling plugs that quick. Platinum plugs last much, much longer than copper.

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