What to look for on a '96 Executive Series Town Car?


Active LVC Member
Aug 28, 2005
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Hey, I'm looking to buy a '96 Town Car Executive Series, its got 138k miles, silver with silver leather, very very clean, runs great, and drives great. What are the big things I should look at on this car? I know the biggest problem with the 95-97 Town Cars is the Intake Manifold cracking, but that usually happens at around 90k miles, which means this one has probably had it replaced already, but I'm not positive.

What are the big issues on a '96 Town Car? What could or will go wrong?

Thanks a lot!

Well, usually the headlights get a little yellowed, but if that happens just go to ebay or a scrap yard. My 95 has 200,000 miles and these are some of the things that have gone wrong: trunk motor pull down stopped working, passenger door lock acuater gave out, one inside door handle broke, and the ashtray door springs broke (that happens to just about every tc, ive ever seen.)
I'm not gonna buy it

The trade in value of my car is $1500, and he wants $3,000 for it, and I don't have $1500 to put into it

It needs a water pump and 4 new shock absorbers.

My car isn't worth anything so theres no point to me selling it.

It really pisses me off how these big american luxury sedans are worthless and those little rusty, ugly, bland asian compacts are worth so much

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