What transmission do I have???

Don't shoot the messenger, LS4me. I am only relaying what I was told at my local dealership.
paulownian said:
Don't shoot the messenger, LS4me. I am only relaying what I was told at my local dealership.

Actually, I was. Albeit not very well. Your dealer needs to do a little research. Maybe point him to the TSB so you get the correct service on your transmission.
Another dealre just cofirmed I have the 5r55N as well....as did oasis. Service manual shows 5r55S, alldata shows 5r55n. I think what actually happened was they planned on introducing the 5r55s and didn't for some reason. Just speculation.
beaups said:
Another dealre just cofirmed I have the 5r55N as well....as did oasis. Service manual shows 5r55S, alldata shows 5r55n. I think what actually happened was they planned on introducing the 5r55s and didn't for some reason. Just speculation.

That TSB I referenced above is from Alldata. I entered 2003 LS TSBs and found this one.

IMHO, the reason OASIS shows the 5R55N is because of the confusion with the factory numbering system. The 03+ also uses CAN protocol for the pcm. That isn't compatible with the earlier SCP so I would have a hard time believing the old (5R55N) transmission was installed with a totally reworked control module. That would cost big $$$$.

Not trying to stir things up here, but dealers aren't known for their expertise in such matters. They look at a number and go from there.

No offense to the techs. They just work with what their given.
LS4me said:
That TSB I referenced above is from Alldata. I entered 2003 LS TSBs and found this one.

IMHO, the reason OASIS shows the 5R55N is because of the confusion with the factory numbering system. The 03+ also uses CAN protocol for the pcm. That isn't compatible with the earlier SCP so I would have a hard time believing the old (5R55N) transmission was installed with a totally reworked control module. That would cost big $$$$.

Not trying to stir things up here, but dealers aren't known for their expertise in such matters. They look at a number and go from there.

No offense to the techs. They just work with what their given.

I would agree. The CAN system would also need a huge reconfiguration to accept both transmissions. The newer S trans has a very hard time working properly with speed sensors disconnected. The N trans had no problem with making shifts with speed sensors disconnected. Thats how I noticed a change between my 02 and 04. The S trans is more computer oriented. I believe the confusion comes from Ford/Lincolns messup on marking these transmissions with the proper codes.
so can I buy a later model 5r55s transmission??
let me ask you guys this then, especially you 02v8sport since you've had both. Under wot my car reminds me of a stick (when in d5) in that you can feel it "clutch" from 1-2 and 2-3. Do you know what I mean? Did you 02 feel that way?
beaups said:
so can I buy a later model 5r55s transmission??

I doubt it, thats why if your car has the CAN system as all 03+'s should have, then it should have the 5r55S trans already.
beaups said:
let me ask you guys this then, especially you 02v8sport since you've had both. Under wot my car reminds me of a stick (when in d5) in that you can feel it "clutch" from 1-2 and 2-3. Do you know what I mean? Did you 02 feel that way?

Explain what you mean by clutch feel a little more. Honestly the only difference I can tell between the 02 and 04 is that the 04 has very hard shifts compared to the 02. I can chirp 2nd and 3rd gear shifts on the 04 and I couldnt on the 02.
well my 03 doesn't chirp or come even close between gears. I mean you feel the transmission let go for a half second (rpm's come down) and then you feel the next gear kick in...not slushy more like a manual. Actually forget it, because the drive-by-wire is the cause of that not the tranny.

What I was asking is if I DO have the 5r55S already and it's dead (it IS dead) why couldn't I put...say an 06 tranny in?
beaups said:
What I was asking is if I DO have the 5r55S already and it's dead (it IS dead) why couldn't I put...say an 06 tranny in?

You should be able to.
A little late to the game on this one, but just thought I'd chip in...Don't treat Oasis reports like they are gospel truth, because they aren't. They listed my rear wheel drive '95 Cougar as having an AXOD transaxle, which is a front wheel drive tranny, when it actually had a 4R70W in it.
Palmguy said:
A little late to the game on this one, but just thought I'd chip in...Don't treat Oasis reports like they are gospel truth, because they aren't. They listed my rear wheel drive 95 Cougar as having an AXOD transaxle, which is a front wheel drive tranny, when it actually had a 4R70W in it.

I can see that...it's a simple error. The 4R70W used to be called the AOD-EW which is a wider geared version of the AODE. Your '95 Cougar should have had the AODE and not the 4R70W...the former was used in 93 to 95, the latter in 96+ Cougars. Probably just picked the wrong one from the dropdown.
Crying Birch said:
I can see that...it's a simple error. The 4R70W used to be called the AOD-EW which is a wider geared version of the AODE. Your '95 Cougar should have had the AODE and not the 4R70W...the former was used in 93 to 95, the latter in 96+ Cougars. Probably just picked the wrong one from the dropdown.

Well, the fact that they listed my car as having a front wheel drive transmission is pretty glaring to me...

That said, the 4R70W was used in all automatic MN12s starting in 1994 (and in the Mark VIII in '93). While the '96 transmission had some improvements over the older ones in terms of reliability and improved fluid flow, the '94 and 95 were nonetheless 4R70Ws.

Of course all that is to say it would be an equally easy mistake for the powers that be to confuse 5R55N and 5R55S for the '03 on an Oasis report.
Palmguy said:
Well, the fact that they listed my car as having a front wheel drive transmission is pretty glaring to me...

That said, the 4R70W was used in all automatic MN12s starting in 1994 (and in the Mark VIII in '93). While the '96 transmission had some improvements over the older ones in terms of reliability and improved fluid flow, the '94 and 95 were nonetheless 4R70Ws.

^^^^That's not completely true:


Check out post #8

My old man worked at Sharonville Trans and missed my college graduation in July of 95 because of that transmission.

Regardless of what your car actually had, it should have had an AODE.
Crying Birch said:
^^^^That's not completely true:


Check out post #8

My old man worked at Sharonville Trans and missed my college graduation in July of 95 because of that transmission.

Regardless of what your car actually had, it should have had an AODE.

I don't really want to keep doing this, but I'm sorry, that is just not correct. What is the source of the information listed in your link? The technical article I linked to above is written by Ford powertrain engineer Jerry Wroblewski who helped design the transmission in question and is now with SCT, and is widely used outside TCCoA by other Ford performance communities as an authoritative source of information on the 4R70W, namely the Mustang community. ALL automatic MN12s from '94 on had the wide ratio transmission. I really have to question the accuracy of the information listed there...for starters, under 4R70W, why does it list '95-97 Thunderbird and '96+ Cougar? That makes no sense. The powertrain in these cars were for the most part identical from '94-97 (OBD-II, 4.6L SOHC, 4R70W) and certainly the same between the Bird and the Cougar. The late '95 nonsense doesn't really apply to the Thunderbird and Cougar, as OBDII (quasi OBDII anyways) was introduced in 1994 (production start late '93). That is different for the Mark VIII and other Fords as well as OBDII went universal for the '96 model year.

Not trying to be a jerk, but I am pretty familiar with the MN12 world, both in online communities and in working on my own and others cars. The MN12 world, including TCCoA, SCCoA, and Coolcats among others is in complete agreement regarding this issue.
Palmguy said:
I don't really want to keep doing this, but I'm sorry, that is just not correct. What is the source of the information listed in your link? The technical article I linked to above is written by Ford powertrain engineer Jerry Wroblewski who helped design the transmission in question and is now with SCT, and is widely used outside TCCoA by other Ford performance communities as an authoritative source of information on the 4R70W, namely the Mustang community. ALL automatic MN12s from '94 on had the wide ratio transmission. I really have to question the accuracy of the information listed there...for starters, under 4R70W, why does it list '95-97 Thunderbird and '96+ Cougar? That makes no sense. The powertrain in these cars were for the most part identical from '94-97 (OBD-II, 4.6L SOHC, 4R70W) and certainly the same between the Bird and the Cougar. The late '95 nonsense doesn't really apply to the Thunderbird and Cougar, as OBDII (quasi OBDII anyways) was introduced in 1994 (production start late '93). That is different for the Mark VIII and other Fords as well as OBDII went universal for the '96 model year.

Not trying to be a jerk, but I am pretty familiar with the MN12 world, both in online communities and in working on my own and others cars. The MN12 world, including TCCoA, SCCoA, and Coolcats among others is in complete agreement regarding this issue.

Your sources are obviously better than mine...I give.

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