What will your post look like?

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
For the past three months those posting in this political thread have had opposing opinions and have done their best to get their point across.
Now, I am curious as to what your post after november 4th will look like as it pertains to your candidate, if he won or lost.
We have early voting so, lets have early posting.
Let's hear it.
I will retire again just like I did after the congressional election. I can only handle this stuff in limited doses.
I believe Obama has it.

However. I wont comment on how good of a job he wil do.

I think both he and McCain have a hard time to look forward to, regardless of who wins. I don't believe either will "appear" to have done a good job after their first 4 years, regardless of what they do or dont do.
For the past three months those posting in this political thread have had opposing opinions and have done their best to get their point across.
Now, I am curious as to what your post after november 4th will look like as it pertains to your candidate, if he won or lost.
We have early voting so, lets have early posting.
Let's hear it.

I'm voting independant, so I already know my candidate won't win this. McCain or Obama, whichever one it is, I hope they do what's best for the country and I will give either the benefit of the doubt for the first several months.

This forum will get really entertaining if Obama wins.
I will retire again just like I did after the congressional election. I can only handle this stuff in limited doses.

Wish I could "retire" from this stuff too. Unfortunately I am a political junkie...:rolleyes:
This forum will get really entertaining if Obama wins.

What if he loses?!

Yes this forum will get interesting if he wins, but if he loses, can you imagine the MSM response?! Some have speculated that there will be riots in the streets like the L.A. riots on a national scale...

If he loses there will be some national fallout, after so many have invested so much in him...

I am not saying that in an "this could be entertaining" type manner (though seeing the MSM collapse and many elitists eat some humble pie would be a sadistic pleasure for me ;)). But there is potential for some bad fallout here...

This election needs to get over and done with.
What if he loses?!

Yes this forum will get interesting if he wins, but if he loses, can you imagine the MSM response?! Some have speculated that there will be riots in the streets like the L.A. riots on a national scale....

Only if he wins, and is asassinated.
THEN you will see riots like never before.
The riots associated with Rodney King will be child's play compared to what would happen if Obama gets iced.
I have seen some on the cable news networks being interviewed and they say the possibility is very high that he could be shot if he wins the election.
Only if he wins, and is asassinated.
THEN you will see riots like never before.
The riots associated with Rodney King will be child's play compared to what would happen if Obama gets iced.
I have seen some on the cable news networks being interviewed and they say the possibility is very high that he could be shot if he wins the election.

The Secret Service isn't the same agency that it was back in the sixties. He's in very capable hands.

But there is some genuine concern that in the event of a McCain victory with a narrow margin, some communities will be outraged. Some people say this as an honest concern, some say it to intimidate you into voting Obama, some say it to motivate you to vote for McCain.....
I'm voting independant, so I already know my candidate won't win this. .

This forum will get really entertaining if Obama wins.

Me too and yes it will be.

Calabrio - I once saw a SS agent, sniper, nearly slide off of a hangar at a LR airport. Pretty funny watching him slide back, then slowly start to crawl forward again, only to slide back again. Must have been embarassing for him.
What if he loses?!

Yes this forum will get interesting if he wins, but if he loses, can you imagine the MSM response?! Some have speculated that there will be riots in the streets like the L.A. riots on a national scale...

If he loses there will be some national fallout, after so many have invested so much in him...

I am not saying that in an "this could be entertaining" type manner (though seeing the MSM collapse and many elitists eat some humble pie would be a sadistic pleasure for me ;)). But there is potential for some bad fallout here...

This election needs to get over and done with.

As far as this forum is concerned, there will be a lot of happy people. I'm sure you've noticed there are far more anti-Obama people in here, then there are anti-McCain. So if McCain wins, this forum will certainly quit down, at least for a bit, as there aren't that many "McCain is a *insert negative*!" post in here, as compared to the Obama is a 'socialist', 'Marxist', 'Muslim', 'Indonesian' etc. etc. etc.

Outside this forum, I don't think there will be mass riots, they'll be a lot of confused and PO'd people, considering he's ahead in the polls and expected to win, but no mass hysteria. Maybe a small incident here and there, but nothing major, imo.

Yeah, I agree there, it does.
considering he's ahead in the polls and expected to win, but no mass hysteria.
Ah, yes, mindless groupthink.

Take a stab all you political experts.


All predictions made Sept 9-13 '08
MonsterMark > McCain 53%-45%
KBob > McCain 51%-47%
FoxPaws > Obama 52%-48%
halo001 > McCain 55%-43%
shagdrum > McCain but doesn't know how much (time to put up a number)
TheDude > Obama but doesn't know how much (time to put up a number)
Fossten > McCain 53%-45%
Latest Predictions October 27 '08
Joeychgo > Obama... Joey says he has it. Now let's hear by how much!
daves200ls > Obama...although not his guy. Needs to put up a number

Come on - tab a stab.
National Guard agencies were place on alert about 2 weeks ago to prepare for possible riots.

And if someone wants to off the President, it will happen. It's not that hard at all.
Ah, yes, mindless groupthink.

Take a stab all you political experts.


All predictions made Sept 9-13 '08
MonsterMark > McCain 53%-45%
KBob > McCain 51%-47%
FoxPaws > Obama 52%-48%
halo001 > McCain 55%-43%
shagdrum > McCain but doesn't know how much (time to put up a number)
TheDude > Obama but doesn't know how much (time to put up a number)
Fossten > McCain 53%-45%
Latest Predictions October 27 '08
Joeychgo > Obama... Joey says he has it. Now let's hear by how much!
daves200ls > Obama...although not his guy. Needs to put up a number

Come on - tab a stab.

You're pointing the finger at me because of what the polls say? Both Rasmussen and 538 have Obama ahead, take it up with them, if you don't like it.

51-48, Obama.
Only if he wins, and is asassinated.
THEN you will see riots like never before.
The riots associated with Rodney King will be child's play compared to what would happen if Obama gets iced.
I have seen some on the cable news networks being interviewed and they say the possibility is very high that he could be shot if he wins the election.
Well, I just came into some money, so I'm going to finish out my arsenal. I'd say my house will be pretty well protected in the event of riots.

Im all politicked out for this season, I don't really care anymore.
The way I see it we're screwed either way, so either candidate suits me just fine.

I do have one hope in Obama though. (curious choice of words, eh?) Word is that many Democrats and Liberals in congress have expressed a great interest in the FairTax, of which I'm a big proponent. However, the word also says that none of these dems/libs would support the passage of the FairTax legislation under a Republican president/congress. Its a big maybe.
Im all politicked out for this season, I don't really care anymore.
The way I see it we're screwed either way, so either candidate suits me just fine.

I do have one hope in Obama though. (curious choice of words, eh?) Word is that many Democrats and Liberals in congress have expressed a great interest in the FairTax, of which I'm a big proponent. However, the word also says that none of these dems/libs would support the passage of the FairTax legislation under a Republican president/congress. Its a big maybe.
No, they'll support it in addition to the current tax system, not instead of it. Be careful what you wish for.

Foss, do they allow those in Estonia? Armalite?
I'm not Foss, but it's a Barrett .50 BMG single shot. It's a 'reach-out-and-touch-them' sorta firearm. Confirmed kills at a mile and a half in Afganistan.

I'll stay with my H&K 91, Mini 14, and a selection of 1911s.

I remember the Detroit riot of 1967.

I've laid in xxxx rounds of ammo and a good selection of loading supplies.

I'm not Foss, but it's a Barrett .50 BMG single shot. It's a 'reach-out-and-touch-them' sorta firearm. Confirmed kills at a mile and a half in Afganistan.

I'll stay with my H&K 91, Mini 14, and a selection of 1911s.

I remember the Detroit riot of 1967.

I've laid in xxxx rounds of ammo and a good selection of loading supplies.

It's an Armalite Ar-50.

But now I've changed my mind. I'm torn between a 6.5mm Grendel or a FN FAL. Probably get the FAL since I have so much .308 ammo.

By the way, cammerfe, I'm envious of you and your HK 91! Good rifle!
I am going to have my gunner draw a picture of Obama's face into some mountains of Afganistan, with the .50 Cal. then in April when i get back, i am going to trade in my Aviator for a Navigator, because i can afford gas.

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