What would you pay for a 01 LS V8 Sport


LVC Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Just trying to get some help on the value of a 01 LS V8 Sport with 35,000 miles in perfect condition. What would you guys pay?

The manufacturer program you pay what we pay is killing resale.
maybe 11k tops if it is clean as hell. You can be they got into it dirt cheap check KBB.com and look at the spread on the trade in value ad work from there.
here in california you cannot get a deal like that
you wont find a 2000 for less that 14k
for that car id pay up tp 18k here
LS Gets U Wet said:
here in california you cannot get a deal like that
you wont find a 2000 for less that 14k
for that car id pay up tp 18k here

paid 16k for a 02 ls v8 in so so condition with 47k, perfect engine....


Kelly Blue Book states for an 2001 LS V8 sport with 35,000 miles is:

Retail = $20,000
Private Sell = $17,000
Trade In = $14,000

What helps is the low mileage on the car. I'd say depending on the market you could probably get around $17,000-$18,000 on it. If I were to ever sell mine that would be range I'd sell mine for.
Thanks guys, $11,000, never. If anyone is interested or knows someone, I will take $16,500. When I say this car is spotless, I mean it. Pictures to follow.

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