whats become cliche.....air ride question


LVC Member
Nov 13, 2010
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Hello all, I apologize before-hand for posting yet another question regarding this issue but i could not find a definitive answer in any of my research, so I turn to you guys, thank you in advance.

In short, I want to lower my 97 LSC by manipulating the stock air ride. I've done the sensor lowering; not low enough. I am knowledgeable about the module8 and ray switch but I cannot find them. I am good with electrical so if any one knows a process of fabricating one of these devices please share. Thanks again guys.

I've also heard of some one calling a sensor lowering when they vented the airride manually then turned on the air ride system and turned it off when the car raised to the height they wanted.

Seriously, the search function must be broken. People cant find Jmod or idle problem as well. :lol:

Anyway, OP, I may be willing to help you out here. I wanna see your car first though. A picture with a penny will work. :)
just drill new holes in the front brackets..the rears there should be more then enough play..

Make sure you dont lower the rear to much or you'll scrape your tow hitch.:)
i typed sensor lower in search and got this

Are you threatning me!? I need TP for my bung hole! Cornholio. I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO FROM NICURAGUA! Aruagua...... heh heh heh heh heh TP for my bung holio.....
Thanks for the sarcasm :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs....i all ready sensor lowered it, compressing the front sensors as far as they would go; i wouldn't be asking if i were happy with the results.
And i didnt say i couldnt find any thing, i said i couldnt find a DEFINITIVE answer...so once again, does anyone, aside from the sarcastic useless mooljobs, know how to manipulate the stock air ride
how low do you want it?

sensor lowering will get you this low (maybe even lower) in the front and much lower in the back, you can tuck the back quite far just sensor lowering

if you want it too much lower you can try gently pressing a steak knife into the airbags

My Lincoln is only sensor lowered, I drilled the mounting hole about 1.5 inch or a hair more below the factory hole and pushed the sensor mount ball as high as it could go up in the slotted bracket and it is lowered very nicely. I believe the rear is also about 1.5 inches or a little more lower. The rear still has a little more room for me to play with, the fronts not so much.
I suppose you could move the sensor to the point where are are riding on the bumpstops, that sounds fun... wear your seatbelt, and maybe a helmet
how low do you want it?

sensor lowering will get you this low (maybe even lower) in the front and much lower in the back, you can tuck the back quite far just sensor lowering

if you want it too much lower you can try gently pressing a steak knife into the airbags



Seriously, that looks pretty good. But just too low for me. :)
thaywood and ochoarco, thats exactly how i would like mine to look. I could have sworn when i did the fronts i compressed both sensors as far as they would go and drilled holes accordingly and well as moved the rear sensor as far as it could go in the slot....Ill check tomorrow.
Can either of you please describe the ride quality with your cars at that ride height? Is it still somewhat smooth or does it look like one of those civics you see with the springs cut, jumping all over the road?
thaywood and ochoarco, thats exactly how i would like mine to look. I could have sworn when i did the fronts i compressed both sensors as far as they would go and drilled holes accordingly and well as moved the rear sensor as far as it could go in the slot....Ill check tomorrow.
Can either of you please describe the ride quality with your cars at that ride height? Is it still somewhat smooth or does it look like one of those civics you see with the springs cut, jumping all over the road?

Its actually a decent ride, but speed bumps scrape no matter how slow and angled I drive over some of them. I did not move the rear sensor all the way, just about 1.5 inches or so, eyeballing it, not with tape measure or anything. Not that many bad roads where I live so its very liveable.
cobra star, not vent solenoids because i do see it venting and not bad sensors because it did lower somewhat, therefor, probably an error on my part. Ocho i just moved from new york to wilmington, im right down the road. What process did you use to paint the rims?
thaywood and ochoarco, thats exactly how i would like mine to look. I could have sworn when i did the fronts i compressed both sensors as far as they would go and drilled holes accordingly and well as moved the rear sensor as far as it could go in the slot....Ill check tomorrow.
Can either of you please describe the ride quality with your cars at that ride height? Is it still somewhat smooth or does it look like one of those civics you see with the springs cut, jumping all over the road?

I had my '96 that low a few years ago. It looked great and handled fantastic! But rode like a horse 'n buggy:D I raised it back up a little while later. But I did the same thing you did. Drilled another hole in the brackets on the front sensors and compressed the sensor as far as it would allow and moved the rear sensor down accordingly.
ok so finally a nice day today...rechecked everything i did, the front sensors are as compressed as they can get now. The rear and is at my ideal height but the front didnt move down at all. Is there any way to reset the air ride? or does any one have any other advice?

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