Whats our country becoming?!?!?


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 3, 2012
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L.A. County
Guess I'll continue to work 10 hour shifts on graveyard cus my tax dollars aren't doing enough maybe quit school and pick up a second job. Maybe she can get a show like octomom. China's on to something with that limit on kids (if that be true). Ridiculous!!

If my math is correct she has been pregnant every year for the past 12-13 years. So one of the kids should be in their mid teens...but they all look around 10 or less??
Wouldn't surprise me if there were twins and triplets from medicaide hormone fertility treatments
Sterilize her and put that family on a goddamned work farm.

I am so ****ing tired of people like this.
Sterilize her and put that family on a goddamned work farm.

I am so ****ing tired of people like this.

Permanent, irreversible sterilization should actually be a requirement to get on welfare in this nation, both male and female. Same should go for anyone wanting an abortion for anything other than medical necessity or rape/incest. If you don't want to be sterilized, you don't have to take the check or get the convenience abortion. And I'm talking no check collected until the procedure is completed, please step through that door and we'll get it taken care of.
No its not.

I'd say the exact same thing to white, black, asian, mexican or a ****ing eskimo.

There is no room in our country for people like this. I think its about time we start pulling the welfare purse strings shut, and let these heathens see what Darwin was talking about.

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