Whats stuffed in your hole?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 19, 2009
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I keep seeing First Gen Mark VIIIs with various things stuffed in their intake hoses where the resonator used to be hooked up. Sapperfire has some gauge shoved in there and Ultimate looks to have a small oil filter shoved in his?

I would love to see how various other people have capped off that hole on the intake pipe right before the throttle body! :lol:
I think my Gen 1 sounded so much better at WOT then my Gen 2. Don't get me wrong cause I love the dead silent cause so I can hear all the detail of my music even at low volume but when I go Wide Open there is nothing
I think my Gen 1 sounded so much better at WOT then my Gen 2. Don't get me wrong cause I love the dead silent cause so I can hear all the detail of my music even at low volume but when I go Wide Open there is nothing

that was SO random
Coolant bottle cap and gray silicone. Coolant cap fits perfect and has a step in it so it doesnt get sucked into the intake.
And coolant cap as in off a coolant jug, not one from a reservoir tank.
mine has the same material that goes to make the nose come of the hellfire missile the place I used to work for makes the guidance systems and the nose cone. I'll go get pics later when the wife gets back with it.
mine has the same material that goes to make the nose come of the hellfire missile the place I used to work for makes the guidance systems and the nose cone. I'll go get pics later when the wife gets back with it.

I think we have a winner.
when i smooth them out i use a hole saw and i cut a piece out of the elephant ear that is hooked to that hole we all aim to cap off! i bevel the edge of it and epoxy it in, i then cover it in fiberglass resin.

this is one i did but the beauty cover went back over it so i didnt flush fill it like the others.


this was my black 93 i had, check out the 97 intech cover on a 93, dont look bad!


Mine is a $7 aftermarket temp gauge I picked up at O-o-o-Oreilly...
cut all the wires and stuff off of it and tightened it in the hose with the clamp...functional was the goal at the time...will be shaved...one day ...

a hamster.....oh wait wrong hole
Mine is a $7 aftermarket temp gauge I picked up at O-o-o-Oreilly...
cut all the wires and stuff off of it and tightened it in the hose with the clamp...functional was the goal at the time...will be shaved...one day ...


I still think a mechanical vac gauge would have been cooler.
i have a test plug from the plumbing section at home depot. turn the wing nut the rubber expands and seals the hole.



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