
ahaha thanks, i'm really happy with it.

and as far as the uncleanliness goes, its somewhat embarassing. hahah. but after i posted this picture i realized that i needed to wash it more than i originally thought. so i took it out and cleaned it up today. i'm having it detailed later this week. some idiot at the cadillac dealership here thought it would be a good idea to run a power buffer over my car when it had a thin layer of dirt and he left some nasty swirls in it. they show up horribly in the sunlight so i'm getting a guy to polish them all out for me later this week. i'll post some pics afterwards, i'm really looking forward to seeign it after that.
just got mine tinted i went 5% all around i suspect i will get a couple of 80 dollar tickets but at least it doesnt go on insurance hahah i am pretty happy with it



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