When did pizza get so personal?

:mad: They already seem to know who is who when you are calling. Becoz I called them up the other day and they said. You still live at the same address Mr. Ramsey. I was like sure. . .
That :q is very SCARY pretty soon you will not be able to keep any personal information private.
This skit goes too far, but the idea is there. The day you are required to show your papers, is the day the revolution begins. A national ID is a form of "papers". Never allow that to happen.

Sif - They simply have caller ID. That's how they know who you are.
I have to say that in today's job market, anyone who holds a full time job is respectable no matter what they're doing. Now if I could find an f'in job we'de be all set.

Sifrino3 said:
I never had to work for no pizza place or fast food. I been lucky to lay it down more respect able then that.
Pizza guys can pull down some good money, if they work the right area. Also, you get to drive all the time. If you have a sweet car that gets respectible gas mileage, what's better than that?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with a fast food job. Just look presentable, show up to work on time, do a good job, and in no time you'll be in management making a good living.
There's nothing wrong with restaurant work, and it pays off especially if you work for a big corporation, Logan's is one of the best restaurant Corps out there, our GM makes about $100k a year
Sifrino3 said:
I never had to work for no pizza place or fast food. I been lucky to lay it down more respect able then that.
huh, so anyone that works fast food has no respect? Sorry syph but anyone that does their job well earns my respect. What exactly do YOU do for work? It seems like you think pretty highly of yourself, so let's see what it is like when others judge you :D

Anyway, back on topic:

I see nothing wrong with them saving your info or using caller id. In a world where many sell similar products it is service that decides who are the winners and who are the losers. At my store, people feel reassured when they are remembered by name (we do it from memory lol), or see the same (employee) faces. The video is an exageration.

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