Where are our Global Warming lunatic friends?

global warming is real... dont care what u have to say have to say unless you've seen An Inconvient Truth then tell me why he is wrong.
Well, John Stossel on 20/20 debunked Al Gore's movie. Will you watch this clip? If not, then you're really not open minded.

Last decade we've had the hottest summers on record..

A shelf of ice the size of rhode island broke off antarctica.. wasn't this ice called permafrost? as in permanently frozen..

You're using anecdotal evidence to try and prove a scientific theory. That's completely flawed. I can do the same thing and point out snowstorms that we've had in parts of the world this last year that we've never had before, record low temperatures, and Antarctica's ice cap is thickening, not thinning. So what?

im not sayin this off the top of my head.. ive read articles, seen docuementarys, videos, list goes on.

You're only viewing the sources that tell you what you want to hear. You're not looking at the other side.

im not pro or negative on anything other than global warming being real.

It's real on Mars, too...does that mean we're causing this as well? If you're really open minded then you'll agree to view some sources (videos) that tell the opposite side of the story. Deal?

Or his wife not approving of black people (was on national TV dont care if it was slip of tounge)
Link please...
saw that thing on bush's wife in the news some time ago and thanks for showing me the otherside to global warming now ill shut my mouth about it that
They only come out during the Summer when it's warm. :D

Can anyone tell me why we in The US had some of the hottest years on record in the 1930's? Was that also due to "Global Warming" or was it just HOT!? :rolleyes:

Some of that has to do with the way we measure temperatures and where we measure. To factually say that the earth as a whole is warming, you need to be able to measure the earths global mean surface temperature. this has never actually been measured. Instead, the global surface temperature is haphazard, at best; wherever measuring stations happen to be at. The number of measuring stations is much greater around warmer, more populated areas, as opposed to colder climates like the poles.

A prime example of how this can effect measurements is the 1990's. Supposedly the hottest decade on record, this is due to nothing more then a number of measuring stations being closed in Siberia due to the fall of the USSR at the beginning of the decade.

Also, consider the fact that these same temperature measuring stations are maintained differently in richer countries then in poorer countries, and placed with greater care is some places then in others.

You also need to consider where the baseline is. It is pointless to say that "the earth is warming" without a reference point. The reference point usually used is an exceptionally cold year, often coming out of the "little ice age".

All these claims of temperatures rising during the last century from those measurements and with those baseline years are meaningless.
... and thanks for showing me the otherside to global warming now ill shut my mouth about it that

Not to be an @$$hole here, but this hurts your credibility. You were dead set that global warming (man-made) is real (it is a fact!, etc...), but didn't provide and facts or logical argument, just rhetoric. Even when called on that, you still didn't provide anything to argue against, just mindless platitudes that you claimed were fact. When someone actually conveyed an opposing argument with verifiable info, you backed down.

I am not trying to put you down, just provide some constructive criticism, but; don't hold strong opinions about things you don't understand. It makes you look like an imature fool (like a typical HS or college student with strong, uninformed political views) who hasn't a clue what he is talking about. It suggests that you shouldn't be taken seriously on any other views you convey.

I would recommend researching both arguments (not just the summary of the argument, which is often a misrepresentation, given in the mainstream media), and the facts they use to back their arguments up, before taking a solid stance on any issue. It would help your credibility, greatly.:D

BTW, I was lookin at your lincoln and I like what you've done to it. Great tint job. Is the nav stock or aftermarket?
i NEVER seen or HEARD of ne kind of thing that discludes global warming... i am very open minded, i like to hear what people got to say and i dont disclude anyone unless they have foam coming out of the mouth then I tend to leave asap. although my efforts to look for why it could be wrong were weak i stood by what i knew. i love history, and certain sciences. not to mention im a sucker for hearing about the world's end. i got pages on that. even my own unique(?) theory on how there were humans before us but we'll never know.. ill stop there

and i am just a college student btw :D

that was stock. am lookin to get something new in the future tho that can play DVD's n nav with a nice big touch screen liek a clarion.
i am just a college student btw :D

Same here, though a bit older then the average college student.

that was stock. am lookin to get something new in the future tho that can play DVD's n nav with a nice big touch screen liek a clarion.

Yeah, I just got the clarion MAX675vdII and love it! I need to get the nav for it though.
that was stock. am lookin to get something new in the future tho that can play DVD's n nav with a nice big touch screen liek a clarion.


Welcome to the political forum btw.

There is a lot of info here and lots to learn about the world. Most of which you'll never hear on the evening news.

So please do us all a favor, please put in the effort to use proper punctuation wherever possible. Also, the "abc with a checkmark" icon in the upper right hand corner of your response box when typing is the spell checker. Take a couple of extra seconds and let that do it's magic. I don't use it all the time myself but it really helps all of us when it comes to reading posts.

Thanks and welcome again.
Same here, though a bit older then the average college student.

I'd love to have a beer or 20 with you someday. I'll be in Iowa tomorrow so I'll be thinking of you and corn (kansas).

Working on a new bio-fuel injection system (not corn based) for the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) for you young'ns so you'll have something that can go more than 50 mph when you get older.:D
I'd love to have a beer or 20 with you someday. I'll be in Iowa tomorrow so I'll be thinking of you and corn (kansas).

20 is an awful lot, though I do love beer!

Working on a new bio-fuel injection system (not corn based) for the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) for you young'ns so you'll have something that can go more than 50 mph when you get older.:D

Thanks! I appriciate it! :D
Sorry, I will type in proper form next time. I will make every effot to do that. Good start?
ever wonder where most of the anti global warming bunch get thier funding?


What is interesting is the amount of lobbying from big business to support the enviromentalist agenda. Enron lobbied Gore and worked with green groups in support of the Kyoto Protocols. At the same time, Enron was buying up businesses that would provide these "renewable resources". the Pew Center said, "Enron Wind Corp. os one of the world's largest operators of wind-power generation" (assets now owned by GE). Enron also partly owned the worlds largest solar energy venture, along with Amoco (now BP).

You can read more about that in Robert Novaks article here:


What is interesting is that Gore accused Bush of being in Enron's hip pocket on Earth Day 2002, saying Bush was pursuing "Enron's agenda". In fact Bush rejected Enron's agenda, but Gore, on the other hand, had ties to Enron through the Clinton administration and was pushing the same agenda as Enron.

8/04/1997: President Clinton and VP Gore meet with Enron's Ken Lay and BP's John Browne to develop the administration position for the Kyoto negotiaions

July 1997: Clinton and Gore meet with Enron and other industry Big wigs regarding the shared administration/Enron case fr policy action on the theory of Manmade climate change

1997-1998: Clinton Admin. conducts and "outreach" campaign, employing cabinet officials to recruit further "responsible" industry and detailing the fortunes to be made from instituting the theory of Manmade climate change as government policy

Private meetings were held in the run-up to the finalization of the admin's negotiating position, between Enron employees John Palmisano and.or Mark Schroeder, and senior administration officials at the Dept. of Energy, State Dept. and EPA.

1998: a letter signed by Ken Lay is sent to Clinton, asking him, in essence, to harm the reputations and credibility of scientists who argued that global warming was an overblown issue.

Enron was hedging its bets and stood to profit from Kyoto's passage.

And interesting side note:
At one point, Enron commissioned its own internal study of global warming science. It turned out to be largely in agreement with the same scientists Enron was trying to shut up. After considering all of the inconsistencies in climate science, the report concluded: "[T]he very real possibility that the great climate alarm could be a false alarm. The anthropogenic [manmade] warming could well be less than thought and favorably distributed."One of Enron's major consultants in that study was NASA scientists James Hansen, who started the whole global warming mess in 1988 with his bombastic congressional testimony...True to its plan, Enron never made its own findings public, self-censoring them while it pleaded with the new Bush administration for a cap on carbon dioxide emissions that it could broker.

Here are a few articles on the Enron/Kyoto scam:




Large utilities, and GE make up the vast majority of the wind power lobby. In fact, what is happening is many companies in the Big Energy group are investing in inefficient and even worthless alternative energies and technologies based on them, and then lobbying for those energies to be made mandatory. Even the car companies are getting in on the action with the CAFE standards (and the E-85 rules that are part of those standards), and the government mandates for ethanol.

Contrary to the distortion of the enviromental left, most of these businesses which are supposedly "working against global warming" are actually setting themselves up to profit greatly from the political fallout from this ruse.

Welcome to the political forum btw.

There is a lot of info here and lots to learn about the world. Most of which you'll never hear on the evening news.

So please do us all a favor, please put in the effort to use proper punctuation wherever possible. Also, the "abc with a checkmark" icon in the upper right hand corner of your response box when typing is the spell checker. Take a couple of extra seconds and let that do it's magic. I don't use it all the time myself but it really helps all of us when it comes to reading posts.

Thanks and welcome again.
You can tell he does a lot of texting. Those abbreviations are classic texting style.
It's over, folks. Global warming was nothing but a fad and a fraud.

Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn't itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.

Let's hope those factors stop fast. Cold is more damaging than heat. The mean temperature of the planet is about 54 degrees. Humans -- and most of the crops and animals we depend on -- prefer a temperature closer to 70.



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