Where is the door keypad code?

I think both PATS I and PATS II were supposed to require two keys, but PATS I could be done without the second key. In PATS II, if you tried it, it would (supposedly) disable all of the keys. :slam

And us V6 SHO guys could say the same thing about a lot of the technology in the Mark VIIIs. :D
Not necessarily I am a locksmith. And in most states and cities locksmiths carry that equipment. Not in their trucks but back at their shops and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes making 2 new keys. I charge 200 bucks for 2 new keys. And. Their are locksmiths that charge cheaper. But, I will tell you this their are certain locksmiths that will be the douche bag that charges you high prices. Just call a locksmith in the area and see if he/she can do it. It wouldn't hurt to try your local locksmith. And. The manual says the stuff that it wants you to do; but their is always a secondary option for you to try that is hidden.
And if you don't like paying the dealer to read a code. Just wait til you lose your last key.

If you only have one key and lose it, you will have to be towed to the dealer who will then gladly charge you a LOT of money to make new keys, just because they are "Special". The manual even tells you that you are going to get reamed. I think to make new keys when you have none costs something like a few hundred dollars. Could be worse, I hear Volvos, another Ford product, costs something like $1,000 per key.

If you only have one key, you still have to go to the dealer to get a copy made since you need two keys before you can make and program other keys. I have heard a few key shops can do this, but it isn't common.

SO always make sure you have at least 2 keys and 3 is better, so you can lose one. You can program and make a new key if you already have two. If you have one the dealer has to do it and will charge a good chunk o change. If you lose your last key, you get towed and then reamed.

Wish I had my code so I could just use the keypad if I lock myself out. Right now I have to go home and get my spare key fob if this happens. If I lose my last key, read the above.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
you registered to reply to an 8 year old thread? that is very interesting..
haven't seen many of the names in here post for a long long time.
seems like the search function is working though. so that's a plus.

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