Where to get cheap New Front Bumper Cover?


Active LVC Member
May 20, 2005
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Grand Rapids
I need a new Front Bumper cover for my 1991 Lincoln Town Car. I was wondering if any of you know somewhere where it isn't a ton of money and shipping to get. Best Price I can find, shipped, is $200. I want to pay less than that.

I am going to try and fix the cover I have, but I need a backup plan for if that doesn't work. I would prefer the new cover as it is less work to paint a perfect piece, than to prep the old one. I also would like to pop it on and be happy.

I work in the auto body field.

Rubber/plastic bumper covers are repairable. Fusor is what i use to repair. Apply it to the rip in the back and place a light piece of sheet metal for added strength and glue. Works better then you think.

I dont know what your bumper looks like.... but to replace i use VENG
You would need to replace the chrome strips as well, they are not reuseable

Veng has those to.
Long in as a guest, and click the 2005 catalog link, then seach 91 Town Car

You need the first 3 things on the list, bumper cover, 2 upper strips, and 1 lower.


Hope this helps. Again depending on your covers damage, im not sure what i t looks like...

Their chrome trim is quality 3M. I repalced my front ones when i had my town car painted.

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