Which city does Iran nuke first?

If Tel Aviv gets nuked Isreal will send over every nuke they have and they have plenty.
North Korea isn't stupid, we are in South Korea for a reason. Iran is probably going to try something with Jeresulam, it won't be large scale (this time) they are going to test Obama and the UN, and their response will determine weather the US will stand or fall. I wasnt a Bush fan at all, but he never backed down, I hope Obama brings the same testicular fortitude.
Tel Aviv is the easiest target and for a Islamofascist pig the most desired but I do not think they will do jack. If anything they will use it as a defensive measure not a offensive measure. Iran is a bunch of punks, like the kid in middle school that went off at the mouth till you swung so he could say he had a reason to fight back.
bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran

How about F***in' Tehran. Wonder if they can find some suicidal dumbass to strap the nuke to his back?
Iran may be a bunch of Punks, but Iran truly believes that America weaker than ever, and Iran's President is a Muslim extremeist that believes the western culture is out to destroy the religion of Islam, he also thinks that the world should practice Islam, I want my virgins, LOL
He is also just as much of a coward as Saddam if not more. Iran wont touch us, thats not to say they wont cash out some terror groups to do the dirty work but the military itself will not attack us unless of course we give them a reason so they can exploit it to the world.

And even if they do hire a terror cell they will not admit the charges.
i'd be more worried about north korea, they are going to start testing long range missiles pretty soon.

They have benn testing long range missles since 98. You will never hear about it in the news.

North Korea will be a 2 hour war. It will be the quickest and have the most casualties of any war in history. It will start with attacks to the marine base in japan. Then both sides will fire their 13k+ artillery guns. Most of north koreas being chemical. Then north korea will send in their 1.5 million foot soldiers who will willing fight thru the chemical attacks with no protection. We will then rain hell on them. 1 million people will be dead in the first 20 minutes. Funny thing is, really don't matter who wins. It's a tiny azz country with no where to run or hide. Their pretty much fighting over a island. Last thing in the world you need to worry about is North Korea.

I'm not sure who Iran will attack first. With the way we have been handling things we are starting to look more like pussies then a killing machine. NOT that are soldiers are pussies, just our policies make us look weak. Iran has had many years to study out military actions, what we can do and what we will not do. I'm sure they will play off of that.
Funny thing is, really don't matter who wins. It's a tiny azz country with no where to run or hide.

Thats what they said about Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam.
The total land area of the peninsula, including the islands, is 223,170 square kilometers. Some 44.6 percent (98,477 square kilometers) of this total, excluding the area within the DMZ, constitutes the territory of the Republic of Korea. The combined territories of North Korea and South Korea are about the same size as the state of Minnesota.

My definition of a tiny country with no where to go.


You are correct about its size but these types of people with no where to hide have nothing to lose.

History has proven that people like this are resilient.
Iran just put their first satellite in orbit.

I guess if you can put a satellite into orbit you should be able to drop a nuke pretty much anywhere you want.

No mention in the MSM.

Just a side note: Notice Iran didn't put this satellite into orbit when Bush was President.

Obamby, he'll do nothing but talk until after the fact.
Iran just put their first satellite in orbit.

I guess if you can put a satellite into orbit you should be able to drop a nuke pretty much anywhere you want.

Well, assuming you have the delivery system capable of bringing a payload the distance that you need it to. And it's not like Iran has bases all over the world from which to launch missiles.

Also assuming they have the targeting software to put it where they need it to go. Not like you need to be all *that* precise with a nuclear weapon, but delivering a payload halfway around the world with any degree of precision is a difficult thing to do.
Considering they are surrounded by the US and allies that would stop a Nuclear assault if given the chance for their own sake as well, it wont happen unless they sneak one in.

"Iran says it has successfully launched a rocket capable of carrying its first domestically built satellite.

Officials said only the rocket had been fired, correcting state media reports that the communications satellite itself had been sent into orbit.

The White House voiced concern, saying the technology could also be used for launching weapons.

Tehran has pursued a space programme for years, despite international concern over its nuclear plans.

In February it sent a probe into space as part of preparations for the launch of the satellite.

Long-held ambition

Footage aired on Irinn (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network) showed the launch of the Safir rocket in darkness.

The presenter said that the satellite launch was a trial which was successful. State and military officials confirmed the launch had taken place.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was at the event, said one report.

In October 2005 a Russian-made Iranian satellite named Sina-1 was put into orbit by a Russian rocket.

Sunday's launch comes amid a long-running dispute over Iran's nuclear activities.

White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said: "The Iranian development and testing of rockets is troubling and raises further questions about their intentions.

"This action and dual use possibilities for their ballistic missile programme are inconsistent with their UN Security Council obligations."

The US and some European countries have demanded that Iran curtail uranium enrichment - but Iran protests that its purposes are peaceful and says it has a right to continue. "
I think its a damn shame that the people of these countries can not be allowed to advance in things such as space exploration and other technologies cause the leaders are such untrusted jerks.
Binyamin Netanyahu targets Iran after he is appointed Prime Minister

Israel will strike first.


"Iran is seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon and constitutes the gravest threat to our existence since the war of independence," Mr Netanyahu said.

Referring to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah movement in south Lebanon, Mr Netanyahu said: "The terrorist forces of Iran threaten us from the north. For decades, Israel has not faced such formidable challenges.

"The responsibility we face is to achieve security for our country, peace with our neighbours and unity among us."

He spoke after the UN announced yesterday that Iran had enriched sufficient uranium to amass a nuclear bomb – a third more than previously thought. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has caused alarm in the West over its apparent threats to Israel and support for radical Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.
I'm sure the Iranians have it in exchange for a little oil.

That is an assumption - a reasonable one, but you don't know it for sure.

And even still, the targeting is only half the equation, as they still need a mechanism to deliver the payload. They are working on it, I am sure, but it hasn't happened yet.

You also forget that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sina-1 was launched in 2005 during the Bush administration.

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