Which way is it?

I have never in my 71 years, and I fully expect in the next twenty five or so years, I will never.
Maybe I am living in a vacume, but I have never understood why people need marijuana, or for that matter booze.
Neither of these posed any temptation too me, and trying to understand why anyone would want to puff on a nasty smelling piece of grass , or guzzle down some nasty tasting crap in a bottle, and call it enjoyment.
I just don't get it.

Man oh Man YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME. I WANT SOMETHING TO MAKE ME "SHARPER" NOT "DULLER" is the way I've always felt. Booze makes me DEPRESSED I found that out many years ago when I was a teen.
Never smoked, cigs or otherwise.

Marijuana should be legalized just like the seatbelt law should be repealed.

It's our lives, GOVERNMENT - GET OUT!

Hey Man you must be my twin NEVER SMOKED,,DON'T DRINK (found out real young it makes me depressed and mean). I think the guy that decided to put the WINDSHIELD WIPERS,,CRUISE,,TURN SIGNALS,,HI&LO BEAM,,WASHERS in the same handle should be shot. One's broke they're all broke.
want to puff on a nasty smelling piece of grass

this northern lights/blueberry hybrid, I can assure you smells TONS better than
Los Angeles air..and is probably less prone to cause cancer too.

Thats why they call it the land of the free, home of the brave Bob.

To each his own..

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