Who wants my car?

Good luck with whatever is your driving future. The modifications to your car were exemplary. Your freely given advice was sure appreciated by me, and I'm sure many others on this forum. Godspeed to you, Mr. DieselDan
Dan, price is perfect. Everyone told me my prairie tan was worth no more than $3k. I sold it for $4,900. You simply have to be patient. If you don't sell it to this current interested buyer, no worries, another one will come. However it's not a Camry, a Mustang or a Civic. It's not a car that everyone wants to be patient because it may take a while. Don't get desperate.
The interested buyer had me all set that he was going to pay my full asking price after spending over an hour on the phone with him, telling him every tiny detail about the car... Then, after meeting the buyer and spending over 2 hours with him at the house, he offered $3000. I was a little shell shocked, after I was assured he was not going to try to haggle and didn't budge on the price. I tried to contact him to let him know that I agreed to meet him in the middle, which he said he would, then promptly didn't answer my phone calls for 24 hours and then finally told me he wasn't interested anymore.

Some of the buyers claims straight up insulted me...
I'm not trying to blow anyone's spot, but, wasn't the buyer a member? I'm still shocked he backed out. Nothing worse then having a deal complete and someone does something stupid like that.
It is such a shame when people make dick moves like that. I like to deal with people in an honest way, if they have the car way over priced ill tell them straight up, but I wont agree to a price then say I want to pay less, that's just harsh! Your car was very fairly priced just like the other members had said, I would be comfortable paying that had I been looking for one of these. I would hope it was someone who didn't know what they were getting and not a member. Like jbelcourt I'm not trying to stir the pot, im just saying doing stuff like that is wrong.
my $0.02
any item is worth what it finally sells for, every offer is contingent on physical inspection; if the prospective buyer told you he'd pay 4k without inspecting it, then offered only 3500, that's 'kinda' messed up, but not shocking imo...but if he came to you, and you weren't hugely inconvenienced, no biggie. That's why when I sell something like a car, a guitar, or tools I don't travel meet anybody and I usually don't deliver. That's an inconvenience I'm not getting paid for, and in some cases meeting a guy somewhere can be sketchy
your first offer may be the best offer, the longer it's in the market, the less desirable it becomes, 20 year old gas guzzler at 175k miles, personally I'd be happy getting 3500 and moving on to the next project
Buyer agreed to 4, offered 3 when he came... Said he'd meet on the middle, and I agreed, then decided he wasn't interested. Made up some really bogus issues to try to get me to go down on price.
that does suck. Hopefully the next guy will be a serious buyer.
Pretty soon I'll be selling one of my Marks, probably the brown one. no idea what I'll get for it. I now live in an apt and drive about 20 miles per week (compared to the 90/day i was doing). No need for two Lincolns and a full size p/u.
The car is sold! I really wish it could have gone to someone here in the community though. The kid that bought it seems like he will take good care of it, but didn't sound like he was interested in checking out LVC.

Owner came to see it at 10:30pm last Saturday night, and I delivered it to him on Monday. The car was listed on eBay and I had a lot of people that wanted to buy it, but didn't. I was ready to move on. Even though it was a great car, every tiny thing was starting to get on my nerves and the feeling that anything I had to do to the car, I felt like I had done it 200 times before. I kinda miss the car, but don't regret selling it. I have been in the mark VIII community for around 8 years and have owned 3 of them, I just burned myself out. I will miss the Mark 8 community though, because the Mustang one sucks. All the "doers" don't join the forums, so they are full of teenagers and idiots, at least from what I have seen.

Anywho, I may lurk around here for a little bit. Take care guys.
The car is sold! I really wish it could have gone to someone here in the community though. The kid that bought it seems like he will take good care of it, but didn't sound like he was interested in checking out LVC.

Owner came to see it at 10:30pm last Saturday night, and I delivered it to him on Monday. The car was listed on eBay and I had a lot of people that wanted to buy it, but didn't. I was ready to move on. Even though it was a great car, every tiny thing was starting to get on my nerves and the feeling that anything I had to do to the car, I felt like I had done it 200 times before. I kinda miss the car, but don't regret selling it. I have been in the mark VIII community for around 8 years and have owned 3 of them, I just burned myself out. I will miss the Mark 8 community though, because the Mustang one sucks. All the "doers" don't join the forums, so they are full of teenagers and idiots, at least from what I have seen.

Anywho, I may lurk around here for a little bit. Take care guys.

I certainly wish even a reasonable percentage of car model enthusiast forums were as good as this one. F150 and Mustang forums attract trash for sure.
Get a non-refundable 15 day deposit of $100 from the person that's interested. If they flake out at least you got $100. I just bought another car, and sent a check for the selling price, forgetting about the deposit I sent. Seller sent it back, but he knew I wanted the car. Money talks--BS walks. The right buyer is just around the corner.

OPPs I'm glad you got her sold. Now take a break
Check out the mustang forum corral.net there are alot of older guys on there that know their shi t. All the other stang forums are punkass kids
I will miss the Mark 8 community though, because the Mustang one sucks. All the "doers" don't join the forums, so they are full of teenagers and idiots, at least from what I have seen.

Anywho, I may lurk around here for a little bit. Take care guys.

Check out SVTPerformance
happy trails Diesel Dan...thanks for your input and thanks for the deal on the hub jig
It was good having you around Dan. Be sure to check in every once and a while to tease us with pictures.

P.s. Best of luck finding a non-doucheafied Mustang forum. :)

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