Who wants to go shooting?

Looks like fun to me...

KK ... Frogman and guns with KK doing a dance ... while wearing a diaper ... It would be fun to watch ...

I'll fly into Denver if you pick me up. Depends on the day though. Really busy battling the Obama Depression via capitalism.

I'll bring 3 or 4 high def camcorders and we can record the carnage. 240 fps vid would be pretty cool. We just need to bribe someone that has a pickup truck full of watermelons and maybe a couple of old appliances. A car with a hidden flammable/explosive device would be fun too.

We'll make it a LVC meet and charge Joey $500 to sponsor it.

I just can't see MonsterMark and Guns ... too much of a city boy...
I just can't see MonsterMark and Guns ... too much of a city boy...

Might be a city boy but I'm one of those God-Fearing, Bible-Clutching neocons that prefers the freedoms that the second amendment provides.
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