
"If they did"...do you think that most of them did or did not look at his voting record?
I think most people who vote do not look at voting records.

Do you think that maybe, to a tea partier, that is not too relevant in a federal level politician as long as that politician respects the Constitution; specifically in the realm of Federalism?
From my slight experience with the loose term 'tea party' they don't really understand the constitution. They understand sound bites, bumper stickers and the fact that 'someone says' that 'this is bad'. They seem to be a group of people driven by fear.

This is personal perception, and there isn't really much to 'cite' on this Foss, except looking at what they are against. And what they are against are 'money' only issues (for the most part). Could the tea party have arisen because of the current economic situation, more than a political drive?
From my slight experience with the loose term 'tea party' they don't really understand the constitution. They understand sound bites, bumper stickers and the fact that 'someone says' that 'this is bad'. They seem to be a group of people driven by fear.
Wow, you could cut the condescension with a knife. :rolleyes:
I think most people who vote do not look at voting records.

I was not referring to "most people". I was referring broadly to the tea partiers (and sympathizers) who voted for Brown.

From my slight experience with the loose term 'tea party' they don't really understand the constitution.


They understand sound bites, bumper stickers and the fact that 'someone says' that 'this is bad'. They seem to be a group of people driven by fear.

That is a boilerplate type characterization of any group of protesters/activists that serves to dismiss them; something that has been perpetuated ad nausseum in the MSM.

Substitute "sanctimonious anger" for "fear" and you could describe most any liberal activist group...
I don't know why you mentioned American Indians, so I have no reply to that.

Because you mentioned them cal....
Just like the black vote has been a safe Democrat vote following the "Great Society", the Democrats want to entangle the alien vote in a similar way- along with generations of native citizens dependent on government for their incomes, education, and health care.

If you live in the west 'native citizens' are American Indians - Native Americans...

What is your meaning of native citizens? Could it be descendants of people who were at one time 'aliens' on American soil?
I was not referring to "most people". I was referring broadly to the tea partiers (and sympathizers) who voted for Brown.


That is a boilerplate type characterization of any group of protesters/activists that serves to dismiss them; something that has been perpetuated ad nausseum in the MSM.

Substitute "sanctimonious anger" for "fear" and you could describe most any liberal activist group...

I was approached to do some political work for a tea party group. After doing some research, which included going to meetings, talking to a lot of people who identify themselves as 'tea party' activists at rallies and local events, meeting with some organizers, and discussing this with some people I have worked 'against' in the past (i.e. Repbulicans) I declined. There were many reasons, but one big reason was that they are sound bite and bumper sticker types. It can work, and certainly has worked in the past, but at the time it appeared they were mostly surface and not much substance. It could be just the group that approached me, or I certainly won't claim that I might be slightly prejudiced, however, there are some ideas they have that are good, they just get lost in their 30 second snap rhetoric.
I was approached to do some political work for a tea party group. After doing some research, which included going to meetings, talking to a lot of people who identify themselves as 'tea party' activists at rallies and local events, meeting with some organizers, and discussing this with some people I have worked 'against' in the past (i.e. Repbulicans) I declined. There were many reasons, but one big reason was that they are sound bite and bumper sticker types. It can work, and certainly has worked in the past, but at the time it appeared they were mostly surface and not much substance. It could be just the group that approached me, or I certainly won't claim that I might be slightly prejudiced, however, there are some ideas they have that are good, they just get lost in their 30 second snap rhetoric.
Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to provide specific examples of tea partiers not knowing the Constitution. Now I know you were just making a broad generalization founded on a baseless assumption.

Oh well.

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