Who's interested in pretty gauges?

any update on these?

What the hell X 5 Lol

Yeah!, I was hoping you guys'd forget for a little longer until I could surprise you. Lucky it waited this long I guess.

Here's the deal. This is being done at a college in a tool and die class. A student will be graded on them. I'm ''asked'' to ''contribute profit'' to the class plus material costs in order for them to run these through for me. (A friend instructs this class, he still has to stay within budget which is almost constantly gone due to expanding the classroom resources so I get no lee-way on costs here)

Right now we're waiting on the current projects to be finished. It will probably take a bit longer, the student needs to take my dimensions and transfer them and do this whole process from scratch. A cnc machine will cut the mould for these, so you can guarantee they will be perfect. After the mould is created and the injection machine is open these will be spit out very quickly.

So, hang in there a bit please..! Ha

I'm also working on those eaton intake manifolds for B heads.
Is it done yet?

Please for the love of gawd make the "B" head Eaton adapter! I WILL buy one.
put me in for a gen 1 and a gen 2 set, possibly another gen 2 if my father in law likes them on my 97. so right now i;m in for a set for each gen.
Is it done yet?

Please for the love of gawd make the "B" head Eaton adapter! I WILL buy one.



I am REALLY hoping my cast/machine cost is less than 500/pc. I don't mind helping people, but this is alot of work to make nothing on. I'll let everyone know when the time comes.. Be awhile yet. Will be a cast/machined aluminum piece that allows pulley alignment and an intercooler!! IMRC's will be gone however to make room for a cheap/large as possible IC.

put me in for a gen 1 and a gen 2 set, possibly another gen 2 if my father in law likes them on my 97. so right now i;m in for a set for each gen.

Thanks Jamie! I've already decided I'm running them through. If none sell I'm stuck. Hopefully people stick with their word and want them when they're finished.

If both these projects go good I'll be looking at Gen 2 cowl hoods for the mark and a universal push button start kit with transmitters that maybe you can put in your wallet? (so your car can't be stolen) .. I will be looking for feedback then when the time comes, not in this thread.

For the bezels, I'll update when they're done guys. There's not much for me to say until then really. Just hang in there.. I appreciate it.

wow and i thought i was the only one unfortunate enough to be up at this time of night lol

i cant wait till these are done. i'm in for shure.

you have my attention caught with your other project ideas. but like you said they should have their own threads haha

if you come through on all of those projects, you will have become my new favorite micro-manufacturer:)
wow and i thought i was the only one unfortunate enough to be up at this time of night lol

i cant wait till these are done. i'm in for shure.

you have my attention caught with your other project ideas. but like you said they should have their own threads haha

if you come through on all of those projects, you will have become my new favorite micro-manufacturer:)

Lol, time and money..

I've been down and out lately, so I've had time to get on the boards and start posting and finding things to occupy my mind with.

If I do any more than the two I'm currently working on I'll need deposits, otherwise I know I'll never get around to them not even knowing if they'll fly. Many many things I want to do, most outside of the car hobby.

Glad you're interested in the bezels! I think they'll be a nice addition. Considering how often people look at their gauges, they may as well look nice!

We're fortunate to have guys like Max at five star, Brad offering us custom wheels, and guys like DLF also, doing bushings etc. Many more guys contribute nicely, offering time and their shops, and parts, gotta keep the hobby progressing somehow! A car is only as old as the parts that are in it.. might as well be nice parts right.
off topic but...
the intercooler will mount under the blower like the b-headed ones or??

i've always wanted a KB but then again, this isnt the cobra i originally planned on owning... id be interested in one of these intakes possibly

And my order still stands for 1 Gen II set. Ill pay, dont worry.
.. I don't want any pre-paids guys, I DO appreciate it but it's just easier to ship as I recieve payments.

I don't want a money order here, cash there, paypal over there etc. I could take prepaids, but I've already told some guys no before I had made much progress, so I'll just stick to it.

As far as the blower, yes it will have an IC. Still waiting on $#'s to make sure it's worth me investing further time into it. That will be a new thread at another time, this is at LEAST two months out if everything goes smooth.
Well I'm still in on the bezels too....looking forward to getting the nod to pay...:) which means your ready to ship.

and d BTW thanks for your efforts on this and the other (possible) projects.
I'd like to see a pic. Pic didn't show in the first post.
I am waiting to see if this is gonna happen. Ill wait for them but if it aint gonna happen then I am ordering those $110 gauge faces.

Also its Spring and there is still a 97 LSC in my yard. :p

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