never heard of those guys,but sean hyland at hyland motorsports has been the pioneer in that category since the beginning.. some can be reground using your old cam, some from new ' blanks', im not a big fan due to the overwhelming variables, shims piston to valve clearances can be different on the same cam just reground, etc. i just like to stay with reputable companies i know, like compcams.ive pretty much used them all the time except when using ford motorsport cams, love the x-303 with the full needle bearing rocker arms in the old 5.0's. having a clutch makes a huge difference then a good built auto with a 3000or up stall. after gears go in im going with a tci saturday night special. the stall speed can vary due to lobe centerlines, duration, lift,etc with the manifold vaccuum available a spec'd 2800 rpm stall may actually be around 32-3500 rpm thats why you need to pay attention to all specs, vehicle weight, and the powerband of cam. it may say 1500-5400, or 2000- 6500and have a " cruising speed" which is where its recommended so when you put your foot down your in the rpm range. i notice a big difference with t/c , and o/d off letting off gas and mashing throttle again noticing where the power is in the cam.especially at 4000 rpm.