justcauz said:
I know that seems like an odd question but I have come to find that Conti owners are a bread of there own.
I would like to know why you decided to own a Continental?
I am the proud owner of three Conti’s and I love something about each one.
I have had a "craze" for Continentals since I was kid.
I remember my next door neighbor's continental the day I first saw it.
It was a 59 MKIV convertible and I was really taken by it's size and design.
Even at i5, I knew some day I would own one.
Years went by , as well as countless other cars from Cadillacs to t-birds to Mustangs.
I have had them all.
The dream of the 59 convertible vanished in time.
When the 77 Continental mkv came out,again, It was love at first sight.
I spent the next couple of years dreaming of the day I could have my own.
When I finally did get one, it was in 1981 and it was the 1978 limited edition, Diamond Jubilee.
I have had that car ever since and today it is as good looking and running as it was the day I bought it.
Once I became computer savy and started visiting classic car sites, the old dream of the 59 convertible was rekindled.
Last year for Christmas, I gave myself one very restorable 59 convertibe as a present.
I have done alot to it in the past year and I am so proud of it.
Soon I will be posting pictures of it on this site.
More than likely within the next few hours or days.
I am gald to be the newest member of this site and hope to be "talking" with lots of new online friends.