Why did it have to be...Guns?

I do agree with 04SCTLS's observation about hunting. I personally never take a shot that I am unsure of. Even in the least. The one thing that I cannot stand is to see an animal suffer at my own hands. Proper sighting, ammuntion selection, and knowing your own limits help in ensuring quick, clean kills. I buy cheap full metal jacket ammo for plinking. I would never hunt with military grade, as it is designed to injure, rather than kill. Expanding jacketed rounds (for maximum impact and transfer) are the only way to go with a high-power. I too used to own a Glock (model 21 pre-ban). This pistol had ENORMOUS stopping power, and I wouldn't hesitate to hunt with it, or a .357 revolver, (@ close range!). Correct ammo choices and ethical hunting practices can eliminate almost all suffering to game animals. Most animals that are injured, are the victims of either drunk-and-out-with- the-guys hunters or novices who overestimate their abilities.
My buddies rifle

He actually thought about baggin a deer with this thing! Fun to shoot, but match grade ammo is pricey. Yours for $2400. .50 Grizzly. Kicks about like a 12gauge.


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Well, that I am against! Women having guns?! anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die, and has extreme mood swings shouldn't be in control of a gun! :D

Criminals will always find a way to get guns. Gun control laws just hurt the law abiding citizens.

I really don't like gun registration either.

WE AGREE AGAIN!!! HOLY $hit.:eek: :D
The gun debate is able the right of the individual to defend themself. Be it from another individual or, ultimately, from the tyranny of government.

As an American, and as a human being, I shouldn't be reliant upon the government to protect me. If someone breaks into my home, I shoudn't be so dependent upon the government to protect me that I have to rely entirely upon them dispatching a police officer to my home to take care of the matter while I abandon my home, my belongings, my life's work, and escape out a back window.

A free society comes with risk. But when we're all self-reliant, and function as a community of independent adults, not dependent children of the government, we're ultimately safer and happier.

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