Why We Might Lose the War


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L.A. Mayor Apologizes to Muslim Leaders
Aug 07


Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has apologized to Muslim leaders who accused him of taking Israel's side in the violence in Lebanon by going to a pro-Israel rally and ignoring their invitations to interfaith peace vigils.

Villaraigosa met with 10 Muslim leaders Sunday and explained that a mix-up by his staff had prevented him from seeing their invitations, said his spokeswoman, Janelle Erickson.

"The mayor did apologize that the staff didn't place the meeting on his schedule sooner," said Erickson, describing Sunday's hour-long discussion as "open and friendly."

Villaraigosa called the meeting after the Muslim leaders held a news conference Friday accusing him of not representing all groups touched by the conflict.

They noted that he attended a July 23 rally by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, at which he condemned Hezbollah guerrilla rocket attacks on Israel, but failed to respond to repeated calls and e-mail invitations to interfaith vigils for people killed on both sides in Lebanon.

"It was gracious of him to say 'I apologize for the lack of communications,'" said Shakeel Syed, executive director of the Shura Council of Southern California.

The mayor pledged to visit mosques and attend events in the city's Islamic communities, and assigned one of his senior advisors as liaison to Muslim groups.
I wonder if it'll be too late to save the world from the evil that has so obviously spawned from Islam.
veragosa is a bone head anyway, He likes to try and get attenstion in that way. he probly did on perpose to get coverage. he will swear to do one thing then back slid and do another. Do not base anything on that moron. He is trying to keep the border open because mexico is paying him to. he is basically baught and paid for by the mexican gov.
Just like he jumped on the bandwagon to help save the illigal immergrants.from getting pushed off of land that did not belong to them then the A-Hole did not even go after the company that scammed the owner and the immergrants. Those morons where sitting in the trees over here in L.A. Gees I am so pissed off about that I cannot remember how to spell...


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