Wife's Mark will not start - Help


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
On Wednesday afternoon as wind chills went below 0 degrees and temps were below 20 degrees, my wife's 93 Mark VIII died.

She drove the Mark to a friends house about 3 miles away. Worked for the afternoon there then started up the car drove down their long driveway and the car stopped.

When I went to check the car the car would turn over but would not start. My first thought was frozen gasline as temp dropped quickly and she is good for purchasing any gas. So I thought maybe some bad gas, moisture and water freezing.

Now that temps are near 40 degrees I still can't get the car to start. It cranks like crazy but no go. First thought fuel pump...

Suggestions to check before I give in to the fuel pump thought?
fuel pump fuse?
somehow the intertia switch trip? (happened to my ranger sitting in a parking lot)
Hey check out the CPS sensor. Crankshaft positioning sensor (do a search on it). It is on the bottom of the engine next to the AC compressor and the radiator, wiggle with around and car should start right up. Let me know if this helps.
Yea, Crank Position sensor.....Cam position sensor.

I hate to say it, but you can get a pressure tester at AZ for 30 bucks. That would be the best way to test it. (Before i get yelled at, I went to every other place in town,but no one had one that would fit our test valve.)

I would test the pressure before going any further Rich.

Mike what's the name of the tester. If I go to AZ to find one I need to be able to tell them what I am looking for.

Those idiots at AZ are so dumb! The only parts they know and then it even takes them an hour to figure it out are Flame Decals or neon lights.
I slammed the trunk a bit too hard in my Mustang and tripped the inertia switch, it's there to turn off the fuel pump in case you are in an accident. If that is not tripped check the fuel pressure as suggested. Could be a bad pump or relay.
Rich, I do know one thing about Mark VIII's , they can go very fast when the right amout of pressure is applied to the gas pedal :biggrin:
mespock said:
Mike what's the name of the tester. If I go to AZ to find one I need to be able to tell them what I am looking for.

I don't recall the name but it says it fits 5.0L ford engines and doesn't mention the 4.6L. The fitting in the kit adapts it to the size of the valve that is on the 4.6L (not sure but the 5.0 probbly has the same size valve)
Day late......dollar short there Davey!!!

Treacherous Schnieder and I have been conversing via PM's about his situation. :p
In a little bit I'm going to go try the CPS and see if that's the problem. Sure wish the car would have died on top of this friends driveway instead of at the bottom in the gravel!!

To push it back is about a 1/4 mile up hill. (Ok I'm a wimp!)
Rich, you are not a wimp , you just need a double shot of DQ to get you going
i had to say that. Pushing any car a 1/4 mile uphill is tough for anyone does your town have a tow truck available!!!!
Ok, here's what's happening right now.

I took off the CPS, and worked with it a bit. No! go!

I checked to see if there was pressure on the valve on top of the engine in the cross-over line. No pressure!

When I turn the key on I hear the pump click so power is going to the pump.

I check the fuse under the hood fuse not blown.

So fuel is not getting to the engine.

engine can turn over with starting fluid.

Any other things to check before I assume it's the fuel pump?
the only other thing I can think of is to check the fuel filter and fuel regulator. I doubt its the regulator, filter could be clogged, filter on the pump could be clogged.
Power and no fuel pressure...
cranks but no fire.
That sounds like the fuel pump.

If it's any consolation, since it was a woman driving, she probably didn't make sure that gas tank was full. That'll make the pump swap a little easier.
Rich.....I'm glad you got it straigtend out. Let us know what happenes.

If I lived closer, i'd drop by and give you a hand.


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