Wife's Mark will not start - Help

94m5 said:
Rich.....I'm glad you got it straigtend out. Let us know what happenes.

If I lived closer, i'd drop by and give you a hand.


You know that lift you're getting? Umm it would come in handy take down the Gas Tank!!!

Hurry up and get it set up..
rich i think we will be doing the same thing on the 94 . losing pressure after it sets so hard to start. mike won,t let me do it the easy way. cut a hole in the floor. so will have to drop the exhaust and every thing. might just let him do it. jd
Hey if Mike Love can still dance around on the stage at his age (Went to a Beach Boys concet last night) My wife's 93 Mark VIII with 196,000 miles is still a young puppy.. LOL..

Lots of life in this girl yet lots of life...
I know what you mean about the lift rich. BTW, when are you planning on doing this? We MAY decide to bring the 94 up there, do your pump, and then do the 94's all in one day. Let me know if that would work for you, and I'll load the tools up and make the trip.

If the pump gets here by next weekend I'll do it this weekend.

I pulled it up to my friends shed... Great place to put up a lift... I keep telling him that.. Very large shed with nothing in it...

I'm jelous...
mespock said:
If the pump gets here by next weekend I'll do it this weekend.

I pulled it up to my friends shed... Great place to put up a lift... I keep telling him that.. Very large shed with nothing in it...

I'm jelous...

Allright....Do you want the help?
94m5 said:
Allright....Do you want the help?

Hey, I'll never turn any LvC members away. Feel welcome if you want!

Wife has to work the Weekend so I'm home alone. Hmmm maybe I'll set up some Boobie traps LOL...

Kids will be going their own thing...
mespock said:
Hey, I'll never turn any LvC members away. Feel welcome if you want!

Wife has to work the Weekend so I'm home alone. Hmmm maybe I'll set up some Boobie traps LOL...

Kids will be going their own thing...

Rich, Boobie traps :biggrin: Hummmm , jk i had to say that. Take some pics when Mike helps you change the fuel pump!!!
pepperman said:
Rich, Boobie traps :biggrin: Hummmm , jk i had to say that. Take some pics when Mike helps you change the fuel pump!!!

Hell we'll call it a Midwest Meet - Call it a Mod meet LOL...

We'll drag Serg and Free yet it will be a Party LOL... We'll have to be quite other wise Bryan might come and try to get us to go to Chubby's :drunk:
mespock said:
Hell we'll call it a Midwest Meet - Call it a Mod meet LOL...

We'll drag Serg and Free yet it will be a Party LOL... We'll have to be quite other wise Bryan might come and try to get us to go to Chubby's :drunk:

Chubby's would be a great idea!!:drunk: Oh i'm sure he would have to drag you up there :biggrin:

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