will not start

First and foremost, a discharged and/or bad battery.
Second, bad/loose wiring.
Third, bad starter.
Fourth, bad starter relay.
I agree with Joegr, battery first, recharge it or get a jump. clean, clean, clean the cables, if this starts the car, check the voltage with the engine running. check with multimeter across battery terminals dc 20v, you should see 14v when the alternator is charging, over 15v over charging. if you see less than 14v then not charging. could be bad/old battery, how old is the battery? or alternator not charging. if this is all good then look to the starter connections. always be super careful around electrics, you could get killed.
thanks tireman. I replaced the battery. the multi-clicks are now replaced with the starter trying to engage but will not turn. my next step is having the starter tested.
Did you replace it with the correct battery? Did you fully charge the replacement battery?
Are you sure your engine is not frozen? What condition is the engine?
Are you sure your engine is not frozen? What condition is the engine?

Well, if he's really getting 11.9 Volts at the battery with the starter engaged, it's not that the crank is stuck. It would have to be a bad starter or bad/loose cable.
yes, the starter trying to turn over a seized motor would cause the voltage to drop a lot more than that...

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