will the chrome trim come off?

67Continental said:
that's a really good price, probably more worth it than filling. What is it like to shop those rear bumper covers tho?

There tough to find used and VERY expensive new.
Markviiiedrea said:
Just masked off the windows and chrome.

Its a bad paint job on mine though, its going back to the paint booth on Monday, to have them redo it cuz its chipping off and it was not evenly sprayed and spots weren't painted and there is defects, so I talked them in to redoing it for free, other wise I wouldn't go back to them. I think the problem is it was too humid or the wrong kind of paint was used. If you look at the car domain site you will see how all the paint is chipping from my bumper and chrome lip.

I had the same problem with the chrome "eyebrow" above the grill with chipping and all so I just had it powdercoated and no problems since. The rest of the chrome tho, around the corner lights and rear tailights still gives me problems, I'm going to try and resolve this soon, wish I could get the pieces powdercoated, but I do not think that will work. Not to mention that chrome around the trunk lock, I just scuffed it up and made it somewhat of a brushed aluminum appearance...

Anyone know of any good primors or products you can use before the paint on these chrome pieces to make them stop chipping after every high pressure car wash ?... LoL.
StraDog said:
I had the same problem with the chrome "eyebrow" above the grill with chipping and all so I just had it powdercoated and no problems since. The rest of the chrome tho, around the corner lights and rear tailights still gives me problems, I'm going to try and resolve this soon, wish I could get the pieces powdercoated, but I do not think that will work. Not to mention that chrome around the trunk lock, I just scuffed it up and made it somewhat of a brushed aluminum appearance...

Anyone know of any good primors or products you can use before the paint on these chrome pieces to make them stop chipping after every high pressure car wash ?... LoL.

this is what i did with the trunk

trunk emblom 004 (Small).jpg

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