windows will not go up or down


LVC Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Hi, help needed!! I can only lower or raise the two rear and passenger windows from the driver side. I own a 2K5 Lincoln LS.

It's as if the button on the driver side that stops the use of the other three windows is stuck in "disable" mode. I have the Viper alarm, and it will raise all four windows once I arm the car (an added note).

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any/all suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I was going to say window regulator, but if your saying it works with the viper alarm, then I am stumped. Can you lower the window with the viper alarm as well, when unlocking?
It could just be a switch. Mine have a mind of their own sometimes. Even if they are locked from my side they still work from the rear or the passenger side. It doesnt sound like a regulator like jinx has said.
Most likely the the window lock switch on the driver's door is bad.
Thanks for all the replies. I think the switch on the driver side is bad too. Will look into having it replaced. I forgot how to raise the windows via the alarm. I doubt if all three switches are bad.
Thanks for all the replies. I think the switch on the driver side is bad too. Will look into having it replaced. I forgot how to raise the windows via the alarm. I doubt if all three switches are bad.

You don't need the alarm for that. Put your key in the driver's door and turn it to lock. Hold it there until all the windows are closed.
I had a very similar issue and what I did was to take the driver side master switch apart and clean all the electrical contacts with electrical cleaning solution (radio shack sells a spray can) and I also sprayed and cleaned all the harness connections in the drivers door and that did the trick, now my windows work with the switch so you may want to start there.

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