Ahemm. Some fool I won't give the courtesy or honor of even NAMING or quoting told a genuine concerned fellow mk8 owner to STFU. If you wish to add to the mockery I recommend dog the rest of his days you might scroll up a coupla posts. I'm a Kentucky Colonel sir, own a white suit, and thus due to the late great Colonel Sanders, know ch*ckensh*t when I see and or meet it. You are a ch*ckensh*t. No wait - that mocks the fine Hoosier corn they ate, that a Kentucky man wouldn't feed to a hog. Disrespect the soil when crapped, it does. Too good for YOU though, Sir. (does some thinking, and has another julep poured by a doting mark viii admirer that stayed for breakfast this morning). (thankya thar, cindi-lu)
I will however, shoot you with my rifle. (retrieves from porch corner next to his outdoor upholstered couch upon which he is reflecting on this... "man".... inspects barrel and runs a patch through... ) Ahhhhh.... hell. (sighs) (noticed jug was a smidge low of kentucky fireball gun cleaner). (takes a pull) Wouldn't due to shoot you with a dirty gun - hell, didn't realize how fouled the world was till you showed up.
HOWEVER, if I DID quote and comment, I would say this to the b*st*rd:
(decides not to waste the powder and instead takes a verbal shot)
(places mint julep carefully down on stump)
Excuse me, but those low beams, must be awfully dim.
Mafiosa? OMG if my business partner saw that comment he'd kill you on GPs. Just for YOU to claim possession of anything so... Roman Catholic, let alone italian.
Methinks there may have been a mixup - you are aware sir, that regardless of badge, real mark viiis spin their BACK wheels? And you are easy to handle my way around, because obviously you forgot to turn in the "won the Neil and Bob lookalike contest" points you got at the gay bar last night. Thus, the front snow tires on your yugo with a Lincoln badge are still in need of replacement, you spun your frontsies and got in the way of real men!
Shirley, I hope that wasn't really a Mark cuz with you in it I just passed a paragraph back smoking against the wall.... I'd not rely on that thing to make it home. Carsick. As in, you buy cars and it makes them sick every time you hop in. Besides, does your Mom let you drive it on big people roads? That's just not right!
Nice spin though. Ooooh! That'll leave some grass up your *ss. (oh GAWD I looked at his CAR now I gotta go wipe off my eyeballs.) Low beams indeed. Matches your dimwatt brain.
Where they kicked you out - for not even being polite enough to be a raging queen. Nice panties though.
I found value in the race cars mention - as SEVERAL of my friends who race HAVE MARK 8 shells.
You want flame? Heh. (with a gentle pfft blows out the dim candle that illuminates his sorry existence)
The Honorable Col. John E. Hubertz
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Come get more!