Won't start - bummer!


LVC Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Hopefully the video comes through. Started fine the other day when my wife moved the car a few feet - now it won't start. It seems to crank, but nothing beyond that. Has 1/2 tank of gas and I replaced the fuel pump about 6 months ago and the fuel filter a few months before that.... It's the V8 engine on a 2001 LS Sport - about 150K miles. Any thoughts are appreciated...



no help but when i stored my mark this fall i developed the same problem when i tried too start it a week later. havnt messed with it yet but it is on a decent slant w/2gallons of gas.. No cel's?

not famillir w/ ls's but either your newish fp went out or sumtin in the ignition... Not sure if theres any known probs reguarding that.
Try to start it with the gas pedal held about half way down. If it starts and runs until you release the pedal, you IAC is stuck or failed. You can temporarily unstick it by taping it with a hammer.
If it still doesn't start, then you'll have to go through all the normal checks. If fuel pressure is good, try unplugging the MAF. If it then starts and runs (poorly) then you have a MAF problem or an intake air leak.

The way it sounds, it could match either of the above.
That is exactly how mine sounded friday...I held it to the floor, and it started. Plus, it sounds as if your bat. is kinda low.
IAC valve

If you have not changed or cleaned out the IAC valve, the engine will not idle correctly, and not at all if the IAC is dead. Unplug and take out two bolts which hold the IAC to the throttle body, look in side, is it carboned up? Clean it out with carb cleaner really good, reinstall and try again. If the engine starts and runs with your foot on the gas pedal but stalls out when you release the pedal, then the IAC is likely the culprit. The IAC controls the idle. Otherwise I would look for a vacuum leak.
Thanks - I'll give the IAC a look at tonight. The battery sounds a little drained probably due to the cold and it's been a few days now since I started it.

It was idling a little awkward recently - just after start up for about 10 seconds, it would idle a little low and rough, after which it would idle like normal... I was optimistically hoping it was the cold temperatures, but I don't think I ever really believed that!!

Great - it started! Pressed the gas pedal down halfway and it started right up with a nice belch of toxic fumes in the garage. Drove it for a while and it is idling a little rough, so I will be cleaning the IAC for X-Mas.

Thanks guys for all of your help!


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