Won't start - speakers pop


LVC Member
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
2003 ls

driving home night before last the radio started acting weird (stock nav system), the volume was going up and down, I got home ok, shut it off, started it again, the speakers popped, but it started and ran, I figured I'd take a look at it later. tried to start it for the first time since thne just now, no go.

The drivers side speaker crackles when I try to start the car, but that's it. the needles all go all the way over when I try to start, but the starter doesn't click, nothing. the keyless entry doesn't work now, it's just dead, and the interior lights only sort of work.

It pulled the negative battery cable for a few minutes, put it back on, when I reconnected the cable the trunk light came right back on, and still the same prob.

any ideas what might be going on/how much it could run me?

Thanks for any and all help.
thanks for the tip, after a search, I see battery/battery cable etc. can do some weird things. guess I have a trip to make in the AM, thanks!
ok, I must be a moron because I can't figure out how to get that rod that goes over the battery off.

I unscrewed the little knob on the left but then what? am I supposed to squeeze those two poles together, or pull thme apart, or what?
hello rjcc,

it may also be new alternator time. mine started acting up last night right after i was done bowling at 1 am. I just barely made it home with the car doing all sorts of weird things. At first, the radio just came on and off, the the advance trac warning came on... air bag, check engine.... after a while the backlighting on the dash gave out and the overhead lights just stayed on. As i was entering the street to the house, my headlamps gave out so i consider myself fortunate. When i parked the car and pressed the alarm the interior lighting stayed on. So i disconnected the battery.

In the morning i took it over to the mechanics with a loaner battery and the light stayed on. I got annoyed an employed an old trick to remedy the problem. I whacked the CR*P out of it. :D It worked! So I'm waiting on the alternator to be replaced under warranty since I just got it about 4 months back.

apathy - how'd you get the battery out? I must be missing something really obvious to get that pol off. it runs right over the middle of the batter and screw to tyhe frame on the right, then there are two poles on the left.

I just can't figure out what I'm supposed to do to get it off.
??? I'm completely confused at what I'm supposed to be doing to get this thing off.



you know what, I tried unscrewing that with my screwdriver w/ a hex head on it, but couldn't get enough leverage, I'll try again with a wrench. I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing and didn't want to break it.
VICTORY. I finally got that :q:q:q:qing rod unscrewed. I was trying to do with w/ a regular wrench cuz I couldn't find my small socket wrench. finally found a completely unopened socket wrench and put some leverage on that bitch.

now to get the batter over to autozone for testing at the hottest part of the day :(
ok, I brought the battery inside, I have a plug in charger (unfortunately nowhere I can plug in near the car in my apartment parking lot), it checked the voltage and read about 10 volts when I plugged it in. I've put it on the charger and it seems to be charging, I'll probably see if I can get the car to start later.
That hold-down bolt is a piece. I had new battery installed at Ford under factory warranty. After leaving Ford, I inspected the battery while pumping fuel and noticed the bolt was not tight. I could actually pull up on the bolt, causing the battery to slide a bit. Turns out, the bolt had corroded due to the acidic atmospere and possibly some venting of acid onto the bolt, even with the external vent assembly. Also, I observed there is some drains for the spare tire well which allow water to infiltrate the area, causing corrosion.

My point, inspect your battery hold down bolt and spare tire well area for corrosion.
RJCC, please dont tell me you are charging a lead-acid battery indoors??? Venting gases are explosive, corrosive, and foul smelling.
put the battery back in, suddenly my features work and the car started. I'm pretty sure this is the original battery and its about at the end of its lifespan so that should be it. off to the dealership then
the battery tested out low, so I swapped it with a good one, but I'm still getting the volume going up/down on the stereo. alternator seems to be working properly. the car is still starting at the moment, but I have no idea what might be going on now.

if I turn the stereo off/on, the volume comes up as normal, then slowly fades out, waits a few second,s comes back up, then goes back down. it's nuts.

at least at the moment, everything else seems to be working.

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