It also does the a few flashes when you turn the key.
ok you really need to be very specific with your answers, is it flashing WHILE turning the key? or if is it only flashing after you turn the key to the RUN/IGNITION posistion?
I'm sorry but even after reading that I'm still unsure of what exactly is going on...
battery tested ok (not sure if it was properly tested), all electronics work exactly as they should just like if the car was normally working.
but when you try to start the car you get absolutely nothing, dead silence, its not trying to crank but the motor seems froze, its not trying to crank but doesnt have enough power to turn it over (usually accompanied with a loud fast clicking) and its not cranking but not firing (motor just spinning). is all that correct?
next, exactly what is the PATS light doing while the key is being held in the START position, when the car should be starting?
if the PATS light (the "alarm light") is flashing while turning the key, there is your problem.
if it is, then the Passive Anti Theft System is keeping the starter from cranking.
the car is not recognizing a key that has been programmed to allow the car to start
I would try a different key first.
second i would see what 2 digit code the light is flashing out and post it here