I have a 2000 LS. It has been setting for several months without me driving it; however, I have been starting it and running it for five to ten minutes every other week.
Day before yesterday, I tried to start. It turned over and tried to start several times without a complete start; ran down the battery.
Completely recharged the battery and reconnected the battery. Now the engines starter turns over great, good power, strong engagement; however, now the engine does nothing. No putter, no popping, no trying to start, etc.
My questions. Does someone have a quick and dirty bullet, 1, 2, 3, check list on how and were I should start looking and what to fix to get the engine to start? Thanks.
Day before yesterday, I tried to start. It turned over and tried to start several times without a complete start; ran down the battery.
Completely recharged the battery and reconnected the battery. Now the engines starter turns over great, good power, strong engagement; however, now the engine does nothing. No putter, no popping, no trying to start, etc.
My questions. Does someone have a quick and dirty bullet, 1, 2, 3, check list on how and were I should start looking and what to fix to get the engine to start? Thanks.