woodgrain shift knob (for sale)..pics...

$65 lets get this deal done!


PM me and I can shot u a paypal payment.
how much is shipping?

remember.. i said 50 and i will pay shipping.. ohio is offering 65 and he is paying shipping? im gettin lost here
BanginLS said:
how much is shipping?

remember.. i said 50 and i will pay shipping.. ohio is offering 65 and he is paying shipping? im gettin lost here

Shipping is included in the price.....O.k this is how is broken down you pay me $65.00 and I will pay shipping out of that money...you understand now.
oh.. then i can offer more.. i was gonna give u 60 and i would pay shipping aside from that money..

i was assuming u can pocket the 60.. and i take care of shipping.. let me know which one better suites u.
I am trying to get ohiols to trade me some machine work for the shift knob but, if I don't hear anything by sunday the high bidder gets it...Thanks for all the offers guys
I have to email him some pics of what I want...So I will post with more info when he gets back to me...
J3FF said:
What do you want?

I need someone to machine me a lower grille to match my upper...I got a price here from a company in Poway that will do it for $100.00..So I figure OhioLS ownes a machine shop he could make me one and we would do a trade for the knob and some cash.
aserrano - I will give you $75

QUIET!!!!!!!!!!! lol

it's suppost to be sold, but I haven't recieved the payment yet......
Hey bro I just got in from work, if you want 85, take it, something bad just came up like an hour ago and I dont think I should be using what I have to buy stuff. Sorry man, I didn't expect something like this to occur. I truely am sorry, because I know it has taken time and it's probably annoying you that I havent replied...BTW I just got your email...5 seconds ago, it just came...weird??? Sorry again for the mix-up.
No problem...

No problem J3FF, I understand how stuff can come up....thanks for getting back to me...

It's back on now @ $85.00

I will have to check shipping to puerto rico, if it's like $20 or higher we will have to work something out for shipping.
BanginLS said:
does that price include shipping?

Yes $85 includes shipping to the lower 48 states.

Aserrano...I need a postal code to check shipping..PM me with it...

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