worst 2 days of my life


Active LVC Member
Apr 18, 2008
Reaction score
Sterling Heights
well guys it all started yesterday

i was on my way to work when out of nowhere i get a check engine temp and engine power reduced i pull over and turn the car off. open my hood the whole thing was smoking with coolant all over the place and ground so i had it towed to the shop and went into the shop this morning and i had this peice of paper waiting for me

DAMN!!!!!!!! It must of over heated really bad to do all that damage, that sucks bro with that kind of bill you should sell that one and look into getting a diffrent Ls.
I see a bunch of BS on that estimate too. They charged to clean spark plugs? Then charged for a new set of spark plugs? 700 for a head gasket set? F*ck you. I've never checked prices for that, but that's a fark ton of money for a gasket set.

And a $15 discount on $1100 in parts? I'd punch them in the d*ck for such a statement.

Get all your parts from Tasca or Max and only pay the labor. Or cut the bill in half and just install a different engine.

Is there a more reputable shop in your area? Are you SURE it's head gaskets? I honestly have never heard of one fail on an LS. Then again, if you have been overheating, and overheating for an extended period, it could warp the head.

My local trusted shop charges 62.50 shop labor. Dunno where you are at, but $90/hr sounds like dealership labor.
This is a local shop??

sorry to hear man are you able to work out a payment plan with them??
"And a $15 discount on $1100 in parts? I'd punch them in the d*ck for such a statement."

thats so rough, my butt is hurting from it!

also i agree that the "discount" is totally BS, thank you for the whopping 1.36
% off of the parts jack holes, couldnt have afforded it with out that:rolleyes:
NO! new engine! Cheaper with a warranty!

I mean, do whatever you want, but I would not pay 3 g's to fix an engine. Though your's does have relatively low miles.

Also, tell them you want all the old parts. Keeps them honest. Wish you would've taken pics.
damn, people have replaced their entire engine for less that $3K

edit: same time pete
I'm willing to bet that you didn't need head gaskets. The failsafe cooling should have prevented that. Most likely, some of the plastic cooling system parts ruptured.

Anyway, if this really works out to be the worst two days of your life, you will have had a truly blessed life.
and why the hell do you have to buy a new set of bolts it replace head gaskets, why cant the old bolts be reused?

Anyway, if this really works out to be the worst two days of your life, you will have had a truly blessed life.
cant argue with that
I'm willing to bet that you didn't need head gaskets. The failsafe cooling should have prevented that. Most likely, some of the plastic cooling system parts ruptured.

Anyway, if this really works out to be the worst two days of your life, you will have had a truly blessed life.

Exactly my thoughts too. And agreed about the worst 2 days comment :)
he said hes gonna take it apart and call me so i can inspect the "damaged" parts so ill have pictures then and im gonna keep all my old parts its a law isent it?
GO there before he drains anything. Check your oil and your coolant. If there isn't coolant in the oil, or oil in the coolant, I would be suspicious that someone is BSing you. Not that it ALWAYS happens when a head gasket goes, but more than likely it does. I would think that you would have checked the oil when you popped the hood, but maybe not.
ETC failsafe mode is a protection mode in which the engine uses some of the cylinders to act as a form of cooling incase theres an issue with the cooling system (which is what happened here) and i highly doubt you need new headgasket.

If anything the only damage should be all the plastic cooling parts which even with labor wont come close to $1000.
I'm surprised the mechanic didn't do a standard headgasket check with the little doohickey thingamajig tool that looks for exhaust gasses in the coolant.

And 14 bucks for spark plugs?

and why the hell do you have to buy a new set of bolts it replace head gaskets, why cant the old bolts be reused?

I don't know about the LS engine(s) in particular, but most manufacturers use TTY (Torque to Yield) head bolts. They are cheaper to purchase (therby increasing profit or decreasing production costs, which ever way you look at it). Downside is, they are one time use.

Again, I don't know if the LS motors have TTY head bolts from the facory, but I'd be surprised if they don't.
and why the hell do you have to buy a new set of bolts it replace head gaskets, why cant the old bolts be reused?

cant argue with that

Not sure if the LS is like this or not but a lot of newer cars use "Torque to yield" bolts. Once they have been torqued, they are stretched and not to be re-used. Kinda sucks, I had the heads off my '65 Mustang a dozen times and never had to get new bolts. Technology & progress!
Dude I think they are bs'ing you. I would have someone else take a look at it before they touch it & you should realy buy all the parts online either tasca or max that would save you ALOT of $ compared to what you are about to pay. But hey it's your money but I just hate to see shops ripping people off.

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